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After shopping for a while, we finally made our way to McDonald's since we all felt a little bit hungry. We took our seats then a waiter approached us with a small smile on his face and by the look of it, he sure looked extremely worn out.

" Hello, welcome to McDonald's, may I take your orders?" He asked.

" What would you ladies like?" Harry asked then we all picked up our menus.

" I'd love to have the 4 piece chicken McNuggets, thats the happy meal one" Blake said excitedly.

" I'd have the fries, thank you" Imogen said

" I'd just have the minute maid strawberry watermelon slushie" Dalia said.

" What about you, Arielle"Harry asked.

" Uhmm... The vanilla shake will do" I nodded.

" Okay, and I'll just have the blueberry muffins" Harry said. I watched as the waiter took down our orders carefully, gave us a smile, then left.

" You know, I'll keep saying this but Aunt Arielle sure looks like Mrs Dury, not gonna lie" Blake put up her hands.

I turned to look at Dalia and saw that she was already looking at me too and for some weird reason, I kind of looked like her. She had the same color of eyes - blue. Then the weird feeling or should I say; connection came again. What the hell is going on? Why am I so connected to Dalia like I've known her since the beginning of time.

No, Arielle, you're overthinking this, just calm down and focus.

Then I felt a hand over my own which brought me out of my little trance. I looked up and saw that it was imogen.

" You okay?" She asked and I nodded.

" Yeah"

After a short time of chitchatting, our orders were later served to us and we all digged into our food.


" Thanks for the food" Harry paid the bill then we all got comfortable by drinking enough water.

" Today was fun" Blakely said.

" Sure it is" Dalia nodded.

" Let's get going, we've almost spent the whole day shopping and eating" imogen said.

" Sure, let's get going" Harry wiped his mouth with a napkin, then we all stood up and left McDonald's.


After dropped Dalia at her house, we said our goodbyes then drove a mile to our house.

At the house

" Babe" Louis greeted me as we all came in, looking so tired and all.

" Hey" I hugged him and he kissed my head.

" I really missed you" he said.

" I could say the same too, not seeing your face for a whole day isn't really fun" I pouted and he kissed my lips.

" Ewww... Get a room, you guys" Blake exclaimed, covering her eyes, which made us to laugh at her innocent reaction.

" Yeah...what she said" my mom came out .

" Mom" I hugged her.

" Hey sweetie, how was your day?" She asked.

" It was pretty much fun..." I said.

" ....and cute" Imogen said.

" Of course, baby shopping is always so cute"

" Anyways, we were actually thinking of having a baby shower soon" Harry announced.

" Oh my... That's a great idea, at least we'll be able to know the gender of the baby, since this meanies won't tell us" Liam said as he came out from the kitchen with Niall.

" Well, you'll have to wait a few weeks" I said .

" That's too much" Niall whined.

" You're too much" I said and everyone laughed.

" By the way, where's uncle Zayn?" Blake asked.

" He went over to Perrie's house to stay for the night" Louis answered.

" Oh that boy" Mom rubbed her head.

" I feel so tired, babe" Imogen said.

" Aww, come on let's get you to bed" Harry took her upstairs.



I looked at my learning tablet and saw that the time was past 8. Why is daddy not coming to tuck me to sleep?

I thought for a while, then came down from my bed, walked out of my room then knocked on my daddy's door but unfortunately, no answer.

Maybe he should be in mommy's room. I walked over to my mom's room, knocked a bit then heard a muffled 'Come in'

I opened the door slowly and saw my parents discussing some stuff.

" Blakely" my dad called out to me and I walked over to them.

" I'm sorry to interrupt but you haven't tucked me to bed daddy" I said then he sighed.

" I'm sorry, Blake , but I'm busy right now, what about Arielle, Grandma or the boys?"

" No, I want you to tuck me to bed, tonight" I insisted and he sighed then looked at mommy who had a blank face.

" What about next time, I'm really busy right now" he said.

" But..."

" I said, next time, Blake" he said and I knew he was trying not to raise his voice at me.

" Harry..." Mommy said.

" Don't worry mommy, I'll go to bed now, goodnight" I turned then walked out of the room and I mistakenly bumped into someone in the hallway.

" Ow" I rubbed my head.

" Oh, I'm so sorry, Blake" Uncle Liam said to me.

" It's okay" I said .

" Are you okay" he asked, noticing my glumy face.

" Yeah...why?"

" You just don't look so bright,right now" he said.

" It's nothing, goodnight" I walked away from him and went into my room. I laid down on my bed, held my teddy bear close to me and before I slept, a random tear, fell down from my eye, I wiped it off immediately then drifted off to sleep.

Arielle StylesWhere stories live. Discover now