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Blakely (Surprise)

We had already gotten a bit tired from all the rides and fun. Right now, we were all sitted in a kind of restaurant that was in the park and it looked colorful.

" Thank goodness, we're finally gonna eat something" Uncle Niall said rubbing his stomach which appeared kinda funny.

" Yeah, yeah" uncle Louis shook his head.

Then my daddy called on a waiter and ordered pizza for lunch.

Few minutes later

Our pizza was served to us with some drinks that I couldn't recognize but luckily for me, my daddy got a Capri sun for me that was one of my favorite drinks.

" Okay, seriously this pepperoni pizza is so good" aunt Arielle said with a mouthful of pizza in her mouth.

" Take it easy, Aunt Arielle" I laughed.

" Geez Arielle, take it easy" uncle Zayn said.

" You know I didn't eat breakfast so shut up Zayn" Aunt Arielle joked and uncle Zayn rolled his eyes playfully.

" Guess we have a female Niall here" my daddy said.

" I know right? Leaving a legacy really makes me proud" uncle Niall said proudly which made me giggle. My family's so funny and I don't know why.

A while later

The others left to enjoy the rest of the park leaving my daddy and aunt imogen alone.

" So care to go for a walk?" My daddy asked aunt imogen and she nodded. Then he took my hand and the three of us stood up from where we sat then got out of the restaurant and began to walk around in the park's garden that was beautifully decorated with flowers.

While we walked ,I could notice the awkward silence that fell on us. Then I decided to break it.

" Daddy, can I pick up a dandelion?" I asked admiring the dandelions.

" Go ahead" he said then I ran over and picked some dandelions then ran back to my daddy.

" Aren't they beautiful?" I asked and him and aunt imogen smiled.

" Of course, darling they're beautiful" aunt Imogen smiled.

" Just as you are" daddy said to aunt imogen and I noticed her cheeks turn pink and I also noticed how she was trying to hide her face.

" Thanks Harry" she said and daddy smiled sweetly at her.

" You know today has really been fun" daddy said.

" Yeah, I know right, today has been fun" aunt imogen commented.

Then as we continued walking around, I noticed a branch of thorns in front of aunt imogen but she didn't seem to notice as she seemed to enjoy the scenery.

" Woah watch out" daddy said pulling aunt imogen out of the way making her so close to daddy and they looked into each other's eyes for some time.

What is going on?

Does daddy and aunt imogen like each other?

If so, no problem, maybe if I get them closer to each other, they'll like each other more.

Yeah, that's what I'll do... You're a genius Blakely.

" And what's going on in that pretty mind of yours" my daddy's brought me back to reality and I looked at him quickly.

" Oh... Nothing daddy" I smiled.

If you only knew what I'm going to do to you and Aunt Imogen.

Then I felt a smirk creep on my face then I continued looking at the flowers.


" Where are they?" I asked getting inpatient as it was already getting dark.

" Maybe they ... Oh here they come" Louis said and I looked and saw Harry , imogen and Blakely coming towards us.

" We're here" Imogen said, smiling and I couldn't help but wonder what had happened because she looked extremely happy. Maybe I'll ask her later.

" Finally, we've been waiting for you guys for a long time" Liam said.

" Well we're here so ... Hello" Harry sassed.

" Let's go home, it's getting dark" I said.

" Awww" Blake whined.

" What's wrong sweetie?" I asked her.

" It's just.. I had so much fun today and to leave is a bit hard" she said and I smiled.

" It's okay, we can always come back anytime but now we've got to go home cause it'll soon be your bedtime" Harry said and Blakely nodded .

" Alright, I believe you" she said then Harry picked her up and we all walked out of the park and into the car and luckily for us, Zayn took the wheel instead of Louis .

I yawned which showed how tired I was.

" Someone's tired?" Louis chuckled and I gave him a playful glare.

" Oh shut it, sass pants" I said and he laughed quietly.

I shifted a bit trying to sleep but instead Louis whispered to me.

" You know you can sleep on my shoulder, if you want cause I don't mind." He said.

" You sure?" I asked.

" Yeah, you're tired and besides the house is a bit far" he said , I smiled at him then layed my head on his shoulder sleepily.

The last thing I heard was " go to sleep beautiful" before I fell into a deep sleep.

Arielle StylesWhere stories live. Discover now