The Three-headed dog and September 19th

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I awoke the next morning still thinking about what had been revealed to me yesterday, my father being a quidditch player and my mother being one of the brightest students in her years at the school. I got changed and walked down to the common room and sat in front of the fireplace staring at it. I was so lost in my own thoughts I did not even notice Hermione sit down next to me.

"Y/N are you okay?" she asked.

"To be honest Mione I don't know." I said with a sigh. "After speaking with Dumbledore, I now have even more questions than answers."

"Like what?" Hermione asked.

"After Voldemort killed my dad, he tracked my mother down, who had run away with me but before she was murdered, I somehow escaped but he won't tell me how or even why Voldemort was intent on getting me." I said with sadness in my voice.

"You know you don't have to try and answer those questions alone you have me, Harry and Ron to talk to." she said as she held my hand.

"Thank you, Hermione that means a lot." I said as I gave her a hug.

Hermione went upstairs to her dorm to get her bag whilst Harry and Ron came down the stairs.

"Morning Harry, Morning Ron." I said

"Morning Y/N." They said

"Harry is it alright if I can borrow Hedwig?" I asked Harry.

"Sure, mate no problem." Harry said.

"Thanks, meet you guys at breakfast, let Hermione know as well will you?" I asked.

I rushed to the owlery to find Hedwig and attached a note to her leg and watched her take flight. After I proceeded to make my way to breakfast.

Classes came to an end that day and Harry, Ron and Hermione showed me the quidditch plaque where my fathers name sat alongside Harry's I looked at it for a little while before we made our way back to the common room. Harry and Ron were discussing quidditch as Hermione and I were walking behind them. Suddenly the staircase moved causing all of us to hang on.

"What's Happening?" Harry asked.

"The staircase move remember. Percy told us on our first day." Hermione said.

"Let's move before the staircase moves again." Harry said.

Harry led us down a dark corridor.

"We should not be here this is the 3rd floor corridor." Hermione said.

We turned around to hear a meow and looked down to see a cat with red eyes.

"That's Filch's cat run!" said Ron.

Hermione POV

We sprinted down the corridor and we came to a locked door.

"That's it were done for." Ron panicked.

"Move over." Y/N and I said quickly.

"Alohomora." We both said as we pointed our wands at the keyhole.

"Alohomora?" Ron asked.

"Standard book of spells, Chapter 7." Y/N said. As I smiled at him

"I think there gone." Harry said.

"Probably thought the door was still locked." Ron said.

"It was locked." I said in anger.

"And for good reason." Harry said as we turned around.

Harry Potter x Male Reader insertWhere stories live. Discover now