Return to Hogwarts and A Toad in Pink

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The next day we were all getting ready to leave for the platform. Hermione, Ron and the other Weasley's had already left to get to the platform. As for Harry he was to be escorted by Mad-eye, Tonks, Mrs. Weasley and Sirius as a dog. I had also stayed behind to accompany him as well. We walked through the station with Mad-eye in front of Harry with Tonks and Sirius next to him with Mrs. Weasley behind him and me next to him as we made our way down to the platform Sirius pulled off to one side and entered a waiting room and changed back to normal as Harry and I ran inside and shut the door.

"Sirius what are you doing? You could be caught." Harry said.

"I had to see you both off didn't I. Being cooped up in the house all the time is not good for me."

"I just don't want to see you chucked back into Azkaban."

"Neither do I Sirius." I said keeping an eye out as Moody stood outside with Tonks.

"Anyway here." Sirius said as he handed Harry a photo.

"It's the original Order of the Phoenix you can see your parents and Y/N's" Sirius said and went on to show others.

"Y/N have you seen this?" Harry asked me.

"Yeah I have Harry."

Harry went to hand it back to him as Sirius pushed it back towards him.

"Keep it anyway I suppose you are the young ones now." Sirius said with a smile as he got up and he changed back into his Animagus form and we made our way to the Hogwarts express as we entered through the barrier we saw loads of families saying goodbye while others were boarding as we met up with the others.

"Nice dog Harry!" Lee Jordan shouted.

"Thanks Lee." Harry said as Sirius barked and wagged his tail.

We watched as Moody arrived with the luggage and put it onto the train with help before he turned to us.

"Now remember keep your heads down." Moody said. "And don't forget, all of you- careful what you put in writing. If in doubt don't put it in a letter at all."

"It's been great meeting you all." Tonks said. "Hopefully, we shall see each other soon."

"Okay quickly, quickly." Mrs. Weasley said. " good....... if you've forgotten something we'll send it on.... Onto the train all of you hurry."

Before Harry boarded Sirius placed his paws on his shoulders in a fatherly way as he did with me as well.

"For gods sake Sirius act more like a dog." She scolded him as she pushed Harry and I onto the train.

"He shouldn't have come." Hermione said with worry as we looked for a compartment.

"I know darling, but he has not seen daylight in months. It was nice for him to see us off though."

"This compartment is empty." Harry said as he Ron and Ginny entered it.

"Are you two not going to join us?" Ron asked.

"We can't we have to go to the prefect carriage." Hermione said as she held my hand.

"Yeah sorry about that guys, hopefully we wont be too long. Just have to report to the head boy and girl and then patrol the corridors from time to time. Oh and Ron, Ginny I'll try to not be like Percy." I said as we all laughed.

"I don't think that would be a problem mate your nothing like him." Ron replied.

Harry's POV

Harry Potter x Male Reader insertWhere stories live. Discover now