Attack of Sirius Black

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A few days later I was having more training with Dumbledore and explained about what had happened in class with Snape.

"Gellert was gifted at Elemental Magic Y/N what happened to you is I believe a sign that this magic is starting to manifest itself." Dumbledore said.

"I will teach you how to control it and use it to your advantage in time Y/N." he said with a chuckle.

"Sir why did you not tell me that Black was a secret keeper to my parents?" I asked.

"When did you find out about this?" He asked.

"Last Hogsmeade trip I overheard the minister talking about my parents and Harry's and Black being secret keeper."

Dumbledore sat down with a sigh and looked at me.

"I did not want to reveal the information to you as I was worried that you would go charging off looking for Black Y/N."

"To be honest sir I am more worried about what would happen if Black found Harry and I can't change what happened only help keep Harry safe." I said.

"As we all are but I must ask you to not think on such things you have enough going on as it is and that's for me to worry about." He said with a smile.

We continued our lesson and I left very tired but happy I had learned so much from Dumbledore over the last few months he had also mentioned about teaching me a few of Gellert's more deadly Spells that were to be used in life threating situations only. I entered the common room to see Hermione asleep on the sofa with her book resting in her lap. I smiled at the sight and closed the book placing it on the table. I sat down next to Hermione and hugged her as her head shifted to my shoulder a smile grew on her face and one grew on mine as I read my Ancient Runes book.

Harry's POV

A few days later, I had another class with Lupin to practice the Patronus charm. Y/N had been excused as he had his training with Dumbledore to attend to. Ron and I had been avoiding Hermione as much as we could with Y/N it was more difficult due to us sharing a dorm together. I did feel bad as I knew they were both looking out for me, but I had owned the fastest broom in the world for a few hours and it got taken away. When Ron and I did see them though they had multiple books sprawled over the table with parchment as well. I still wondered how they managed to do all of the classes. They had also taken to being in the library for long periods of time trying to find out as much as they could about a defence case for Buckbeak.

Professor Lupin and I had finished with the Patronus charm for the day, and I was tired but happy I could repel the dementor now.

"I think you deserve this Harry." Lupin said as he produced two bottles of butterbeer.

"Butterbeer I love this stuff!" I exclaimed while Lupin looked at me with a suspicious look.

"Oh Ron, Hermione and Y/N brought me some back from the last Hogsmeade trip." I said.

We sat in silence for a moment before I asked.

"Professor what's beneath a dementors hood?"

"Hmm........well the only people who know are in no condition to tell us." Lupin said "A Dementor only lowers its hood to use its last and worse weapon."

"And what is it?"

"It is called the Dementors kiss" Lupin said. "It is what the Dementors do to those they wish to destroy internally. I suppose there must be a mouth of some kind under there, because they clamp their jaws upon the mouth of the victim and...." He took a deep sigh "And suck out their soul."

Harry Potter x Male Reader insertWhere stories live. Discover now