Quidditch and The Duelling club

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Hermione's POV

The next day, Y/N and I were looking for the book we needed in order to create the Polyjuice potion, I had gone to Lockhart at the suggestion of the others to get the note we needed signed as the book itself belonged in the restricted section of the library. I made my way towards Madam Pince with the note as she looked at it, she held it up to the light to examine it in order to make sure it was not fake. She then whisked herself away and returned with a mouldy covered black book. I took it from her and placed it in my bag and turned to leave as I did, I saw Y/N grabbing many books and quickly skimming through them. He had been doing this lately and it did cause me to be concerned, I know he likes to read but even for him this is excessive. He caught sight of me looking and hastily shoved all of them back on the shelves as he walked towards me, we left the library. We found Harry and Ron waiting for us in the courtyard as I motioned for them to follow us and found an empty classroom. I took the book out of my bag and began to read it to them.

"Here it is the Polyjuice potion." I said to them as we all crowded round the book.

"The Polyjuice potion if brewed correctly will allow the drinker to temporarily transform themselves into the physical being of another." I read to them.

"So, if we drink that we could become Crabbe and Goyle?" Harry asked.

"Wicked Malfoy would tell us anything." Ron exclaimed.

"True but it's tricky I have never seen a more complex potion than this one." I said.

"How long will it take to make?" Harry asked.

"A month." I replied with a concerned look on my face.

"Hermione, we don't have a month Malfoy could have attacked half the muggle borns by then yourself included." Harry said.

"No chance I will protect you with my life Hermione that's a promise." Y/N said.

I went a very heavy red and stuttered out my next words.

"It's-its t-the o-o-only plan we have."

We went about the rest of our day and decided the best place to brew the potion would be Moaning Myrtles as no one normally goes in there. The day ended as Harry Ron and I headed for dinner Y/N was nowhere to be seen though.

"Harry, Ron does something seem off about Y/N recently?" I asked them.

"Not really except when we ask about his talk with Dumbledore, he quickly changes the discussion." Harry said.

"I wouldn't worry about it Hermione." Ron said with a mouth full of mash potato.


After class I headed straight to the library to research more on being a legilimens. I had uncovered a lot since my talk with Dumbledore I also learned about how to control my ability so I could use it if I needed to and had found out I could communicate with animals through it as well I had been practicing with Bella and I found out how checky she was teasing me about Hermione. I sat down with a smile on my face now knowing the extent of my abilities when my stomach suddenly rumbled, I chuckled to myself and made my way to the Great Hall. I entered the hall to see Harry, Ron and Hermione sitting together talking as I got closer, I heard Ron say.

"I wouldn't worry about it Hermione".

"Worry about what?" I asked causing Hermione to jump as I took a seat next to her and helped myself to some food.

"Y/N I'm worried about you." Hermione stated.

"Why what's wrong?" I asked.

"Ever since your talk with Dumbledore you've been a bit distant at times." Hermione said to me.

Harry Potter x Male Reader insertWhere stories live. Discover now