Order Vs Death eaters and end of 5th year

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Hermione's POV

Y/N stood in front of me as I looked at the two men that were called Dolohov. The one called Nathan had been the one that Y/N had said was going to try and come after me.

"Well I think we should have a bit of fun, what do you think Nathan?" Bellatrix said with a sick smile on her face.

"I agree Bellatrix let's take the mudblood and that other girl behind the blood traitor and see what a bit of torture will do perhaps that will make Potter give us the Prophecy." Dolohov said an evil smile while his eyes looking at me and then Delilah as Y/N stood firmly in front of me.

"Dolohov I would not have made that threat if I were you." Harry said. "I will smash this if you come any closer."

Harry taunted them even more by throwing it in the air and catching it repeatedly.

"So what kind of prophecy are we talking about here?" Harry asked.

"Surely your jesting Potter?" Bellatrix said.

"Not really." Harry said. "So why does Voldemort want it."

"You dare speak the dark lords name?" Bellatrix said angrily.

"What Voldemort?" Harry said.

"Yeah that one Harry." Y/N said. "Voldemort, Voldemort, Voldemort."

"You both dare speak the dark lord's name with your Half-blood tongues?!" Bellatrix shouted.

"Your right I am sorry." Y/N said. "Where are you Tom? come out you snake faced bitch!"

"Yeah your right Y/N Tom Marvolo Riddle where are you?!" Harry yelled.

"ENOUGH!" Bellatrix screamed as she tried to move forward but was held back by Malfoy.

"Now Bellatrix lets not be hasty we need the prophecy."

"What's so special about this prophecy anyway?" Harry asked.

"Interesting that Dumbledore has never told you the reason you bear that scar is because of what was hidden here." Malfoy said.

"What?" Harry said as the Death eaters laughed with Bellatrix being the loudest out of all of them. "When I give the signal blast the shelves." He whispered.

"Darling the rest of you blast the shelves but be ready to run as fast as you can." I heard Y/N say in my head.

"Don't you see Potter the dark lord showed you this room hoping you would come sooner."

"Why didn't Voldemort just come and get it himself?" Harry asked.

"The dark lord walk into the Ministry of Magic and get it himself?" Bellatrix said. "When they are so sweetly ignoring his return and searching for my cousin?"

"So he has you lot doing his dirty work for him has he?" Harry said

"Yes Potter now the dark lord knows you are not unintell..."

"NOW!" Harry yelled.

"REDUCTO!" Everyone yelled aiming their wands at the shelves except Y/N.

"GET READY TO RUN LIKE HELL!" he shouted as the death eaters were temporarily distracted. "Protego Diabolica!"

We all ran as blue dragons formed from the flames and spread towards the death eaters as we ran out of the department. Malfoy had apparated and I noticed he had grabbed Harry's shoulder.

"Stupefy." I yelled as Malfoy was blasted off Harry.

"Thanks Hermione." Harry shouted as we continued to run more spells were being fired as it seems the others had followed Malfoy in apparating round the flames.

Harry Potter x Male Reader insertWhere stories live. Discover now