Return of the D.A

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Delilah's POV

The man led us inside of the Hog's head, where we found a jagged piece of mirror similar to Harry's. I looked at him and he looked remarkable like Professor Dumbledore did.

"You bloody fools!" The man yelled. "What were you thinking coming here? Do you have any idea how dangerous it is--"

"You're Aberforth," Harry interrupted him.

"You're Aberforth," Harry interrupted him

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The man went silent and stared at Harry.

"Dumbledore's brother. It's you have I have been seeing--Here. It's you who sent Dobby." Harry said as he held his own jagged piece of mirror.

"Where have you left him?" Aberforth asked.

"At shell cottage.... unless he is at Hogwarts. I saved him from dying." Y/N said as he looked Aberforth dead in the eyes.

"I'm glad he is alive. I like that elf."

"How did you come by the mirror?" Harry asked Aberforth.

"Mundungus Fletcher, about a year ago."

"Dung has a lot to answer for." Y/N said while looking disgusted. "Leaving Moody to die, Giving Umbridge the original Horcrux and selling Sirius's stuff wonder if I can lock him up in Azkaban?"

"Dung had no right in selling that to you...." Harry said. "It belonged to--"

"To Sirius." Aberforth said. "Albus told me. He also told me that you'd likely be enraged if you ever found out I had it. But ask yourself this where would you be if I didn't."

None of us said a word as Aberforth looked at the five of us.

"Right then. Reckon you are hungry." He said. "Let's get you fed, then think of the best way to get you all out of here."

Aberforth set a table and a moment later game back with food and placed it down. None of us had really eaten anything properly in the last few days as the Death Eaters where now aware of Y/N's Animagus form it was too dangerous for him to hunt. As we ate Aberforth filled a glass of mead for himself it was clearly not his first one of the night.

"Do you hear much from the others?" Hermione asked. "From the order?"

"The order is finished. You-Know-Who has won." Aberforth said taking a sip of his mead. "Anyone who says otherwise is a damn fool, I heard that Tina and Newt Scamander are defending the students. They have been in contact I've known Newt a long time and he said he will defend them with his life as did Tina."

Y/N smiled knowing his Grandparents where alive and doing everything they could to help protect the students especially Rosie. "They have also helped to reorganise that army with our name..........Dumbledore's army...." Aberforth said.

"We need to get into Hogwarts." Harry said. "Dumbledore gave us a job to do."

"Did he now?" Aberforth asked. "Nice job? Easy?"

Harry Potter x Male Reader insertWhere stories live. Discover now