The Muggle-Born Registration Commission.

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Harry POV

After Mundungus had told us that Umbridge had the locket we started to form a plan to get into the ministry. Kreacher's attitude had changed to us all recently and we all began to respect him more because of it. I think Y/N giving him the fake locket really helped him. Y/N and Hermione were working on a Polyjuice potion that she, Ron and I would take, as for Y/N he had spent time reading his dad's book along with one of Gellert's journal and he was going to use human transfiguration on himself. As we sat in the kitchen Hermione was reading "The Tales of Beedle the Bard" while Ron was flick the Deluminator like a cigarette lighter making the lights constantly flicker.

"Will you stop it!" Hermione said.

"Sorry, sorry!" Ron said. "I didn't know I was even doing it."

"Well, can't you find something useful to do to occupy yourself?"

"What like reading a kids story?"

"Dumbledore left me this book Ron...."

"- and he left me this Deluminator, maybe I am supposed to use it."

"Ron stop flickering the lights!." Y/N yelled as he came in with his shirt sleeves rolled up. "Dumbledore would want you to use it other than putting the lights out you nitwit. I am trying to make sure I don't get this transfiguration wrong and you flickering the lights while I am trying to study is not helping!"

I rubbed my head as it was not the first time Y/N had yelled at Ron over the last few days and it was starting to irritate me. I understood why though he was doing something dangerous for all of us with making the potion. As I started to think about it we heard a tap on the door and all of us quickly took out our wands and pointed them towards the doorway.

Moody's voice asked.

"Severus Snape?"

"It was not I that killed you Albus." The voice said calmly and quietly.

The figure rose and headed towards the person before it exploded again I ran to the doorway with my wand raised.

"Don't move!" I shouted.

Unfortunately I forgot about Mrs. Black portrait as she started screaming.

"Mudblood! And Filth dishonouring my house!"

"SHUT UP!" Y/N roared with his eye glowing as the portrait fell silent.

"Hold your fire it's me Remus!"

"Oh thank goodness!" Hermione said as she and Ron lowered their wands. As for Y/N and I we were still on guard with our wands still raised.

"Show Yourself!" I shouted as Lupin walked forwards with his hands up in surrender.

"I am Remus James Lupin, werewolf," he said. "Sometimes known as Moony, one of the five creators of the Marauder's Map, married to Nymphadora, usually known as Tonks. I taught you the Patronus charm Harry your Patronus is a stag and Y/N yours is a Black Panther like your Animagus form."

"Oh all right." I said lowering my wand as Y/N did the same. "But we had to be sure."

"Speaking as your ex-defence against the dark arts teacher I am inclined to agree that you had to check. Ron, Hermione you shouldn't be quite so quick to lower you defence."

Lupin was wearing a traveling cloak.

"No sign of Snape then?" He asked.

"No." I replied. "Is everyone Okay? is Ginny okay, Newt?, Tina?"

"What about Rosie?" Y/N asked.

"Yes." Remus replied. "But we are all being watched. There are a couple of Death Eaters in the square outside. I had to Apparate very precisely on the top step outside the front door to be sure they would not see me. They can't know you're in here or I'm sure they would have more people with them, they're staking out everywhere that has a connection with you Harry. Let's go downstairs, there's a lot to tell you and I want to know what has happened since you left the burrow."

Harry Potter x Male Reader insertWhere stories live. Discover now