New Training and Dark skies

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I awoke the next morning with Hermione's head against my chest and her wrapped up in my arms. The common room would be reopened today as there had been no sight of Black from the night before.

The Previous Night.

I lay in my sleeping bag unable to sleep with my arms wrapped around Hermione. I heard the doors open to the hall and footsteps.

"Any sign of Black Professor?, Y/N told me he found nothing in the dungeon." Percy said.

"No, all well in here?" Dumbledore asked.

"All under control sir but may I ask why you asked Y/N to search with Professor Snape? surely I would have been a better candidate being older and wiser." I heard Percy say.

"I am afraid I can't answer that." Dumbledore replied.

"Have you found a replacement for the fat lady sir?"

"Yes I have. The fat lady is currently hiding in a map of Argyllshire on the second floor. When she refused entry to Black for not having the password he attacked. She is still distressed but once she has calmed down I shall have Mr. Filch restore her portrait."

"Headmaster" Snape said, "The 3rd floor has been searched L/N and I found nothing in the dungeons as well."

"What of the Astronomy tower, the owlery and Professor Trelawney's room?" Dumbledore asked.

"All searched and nothing." Snape said.

"Very well I did not expect Black to linger." Dumbledore replied.

"Have you any theory as to how he got in headmaster?"

"I do Severus each as unlikely as the next."

"May I ask if you remember the conversation we had before the beginning of term?" Snape asked.

"Yes Severus I do."

"It seems almost impossible......that Black could have entered the castle without........inside help. I did express my concern when you appointed."

"I do not believe anyone would help Black to enter into or get out of the castle. I must go to the dementors I told them I would inform them when our search was complete."

"Sir did the dementors not want to help?" Percy asked.

"Oh yes but as long as I am headmaster they will not set foot in this castle."

I heard Dumbledore and Snape leave as I saw Hermione turn in her sleep. I pulled her closer to me as she smiled. I looked up at the bewitched sky trying to figure how Black got into the castle but soon my eyes grew heavy, and I fell asleep."

Present time.

Hermione was still asleep in my arms as other students started to wake up and get out of their sleeping bags. As they all went towards the table to have breakfast I saw Harry and Ron turn to me with smirks on their faces as they looked to see Hermione wrapped up in my arms.

"Shut it you two." I said to them using legilimency.

I looked down with a smile as Hermione was sleeping but unfortunately I had to wake her up.

"Mione," I whispered to her as I brushed some hair out of her eyes "We have to get up."

"Five more minutes babe." Hermione mumbled to me which made my eyes go wide.

"Babe huh?" I said as she suddenly sat up blushing madly.

"I uh uh." she stuttered.

"It's alright Mione." I said with a chuckle.

Harry Potter x Male Reader insertWhere stories live. Discover now