Platform 9 ¾ the flying car and new lessons

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Harry's POV

September the 1st had arrived quickly and all of us were rushing around making sure we had everything as we prepared for our trip back to Hogwarts. I had really enjoyed the later half of my summer spending time with my friends and the rest of the Weasley's. As I checked to make sure Hedwig was secure, I heard a shout.

"Bella, where are you!?"

I watched as Y/N rushed around looking for his cat I then heard Mrs. Weasley shouting

"Ginny give Y/N Bella back we have to go!"

I turned to see Ginny reluctantly let go of Bella and handed her to Y/N so he could put her into her cage. We all walked over to the car that Mr Weasley had said he had enchanted so we could all fit comfortably and get all our stuff in and drove off to kings cross. We quickly got trolleys and loaded them as we headed for the platform running as we did.

"10.58." Mr Weasley shouted

"Fred, George, Percy you first!" He shouted as they ran through the barrier to the platform.

I watched as Mrs Weasley grabbed a hold of Ginny's trolley and ran through the barrier with Mr Weasley after them. Y/N went next and disappeared through the barrier. It was only me and Ron now.

"Come on let's go." I said running up to the barrier with Ron in tow, as we reached the barrier I was suddenly stopped and fell over as Ron then toppled over me causing our things to fall on the floor.

"Oi! what do you two think you're doing?" a station guard said to us we picked ourselves off the floor.

"Sorry lost control of the trolley." I said as we watched the guard shake his head and walk away. We heard a chime from the nearby clock and saw it was 11.

"Ron we've missed the train it's 11." I said.

"Harry if we can't get through maybe mum and dad can't get back." Ron said.

"Maybe we should go and wait by the car?" I said to Ron.

"Harry the car, we can fly it to Hogwarts!" Ron exclaimed.

We gathered our things and rushed out of the station to the car and put our trunks in the boot with Hedwig and Scabbers going in the back seat. Ron started up the car and put it into gear and drove away with it taking to the air as he did.

"Ron I must tell you most muggles aren't accustomed to a flying car." I said to him.

"Uh right." he said as he hit a silver button in the middle of the dash causing the car and us to disappear.


After I had gotten through the barrier, I quickly made my way onto the train as the door closed a few seconds later. I made my way through the train looking for a certain girl with bushy brown hair until I eventually found her in a compartment by herself reading one of Lockhart's books, I still did not believe anything written in those books.

"Hermione there you are." I said.

"Y/N I thought you were in another compartment." She said to me.

"Why would I be in another compartment when I am looking for my best friend." I said with a smile.

As I brought my things in and placed them on the luggage rack, I let Bella out of her cage. As soon as she was out, she jumped into Hermione's lap. Hermione's eyes lit up at the sight of Bella.

"Hello Bella, I missed you too." Hermione said as Bella nuzzled against her demanding to be petted by her.

I watched with a smile as Hermione began scratching Bella behind the ears as she purred away.

Harry Potter x Male Reader insertWhere stories live. Discover now