Return to Grimmauld Place

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After we had all changed into the other clothes that Hermione had brought and I had gotten rid of the idiot that tried to flirt with Hermione we made our way back into the middle of London. We walked with our heads down and Hermione linked her arm in mine so we looked like an ordinary muggle couple. Sniffles had hidden himself in my coat pocket and I had made sure no one saw him. We entered a café and all slid into a booth to avoid suspicion.

"Do you reckon everyone is alright from the wedding?" Harry asked. "Maybe we should...."

"They were after you Harry." I said. "Going back would only put everyone in danger. I don't want anyone getting hurt."

"Y/N's right." Hermione said as a waitress who was chewing gum came over to take our order. "Two Latte's please."

"What she said." Ron said.

"Same here." Harry said.

"Wicked scar." The waitress said to Harry as she walked to get our coffee's.

"So where do we go from here?" Ron asked. "The Leaky Cauldron?"

"No too dangerous." Y/N said. "If Voldemort has taken over the ministry, none of the old places are safe."

As we continued to talk two workman came in and sat down behind us as Hermione looked in her bag.

"Oh no." She said.

"What is it?" Harry asked.

"I packed essentials we all needed in a bag but I must have left it at the burrow." Hermione said.

"You know love, it's almost like I am able to read minds." I said as I took the bag out of my pocket and handed it to her.

"You are such a prat." She said as she slapped me on the arm playfully with a smile.

"Maybe so but I am your prat." I replied with a smile.

As I looked at the two workmen I felt uneasy something about them did not feel right. It was then I realised they were not muggles. They were Death Eaters. I slowly brought my hand to my pocket where my wand was and placed my hand over it. Harry looked at me and slowly nodded.

"DOWN!" Harry and I yelled as I pulled Hermione to the floor and shielded her with my body as a barrage of spells flew over our heads

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"DOWN!" Harry and I yelled as I pulled Hermione to the floor and shielded her with my body as a barrage of spells flew over our heads.

Hermione placed a hand on my cheek and smiled.

"Talk about this later love?" I asked as she nodded.

A bright green light just narrowly missed Hermione and I knew what curse that was. I stood up turned around and aimed my wand at the Death Eaters.

"STUPEFY!" I yelled as the one who had cast the spell was blasted back into the wall and was unconscious. Unfortunately, he had managed to cast Expulsio which cause a nearby mirror to send glass everywhere. I pointed my wand at the glass and managed to stop any of it from hitting us and sent it in the direction of the remaining death eater who took cover behind the counter. As he got up to fire another spell he was temporarily blinded by hot coffee hitting him in the face from a coffee pot exploding next to him courtesy of a stunning spell. The four of us pointed our wands at the same time and shouted.

Harry Potter x Male Reader insertWhere stories live. Discover now