Return of Padfoot and Hate Mail

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The next morning I woke up to see Hermione still wrapped up in my arms with her head on my chest and a smile on her face. I gently moved some hair out of Hermione's eyes as I smiled she stirred from her sleep.

"Morning love." I said with a kiss to the top of her head.

"Morning Y/N."

As she said that Bella woke up from between us and nuzzled our faces.

"Morning Bella." Hermione said as Bella continued to nuzzle her.

I smiled at seeing the interaction between the two I could not help but smile. It made me think about what I saw in the crystal ball last year. I had not told Hermione everything I saw but maybe I should. I promised I would not keep anything from her, so I took a deep breath and turned to face her.

"Hermione I need to tell you something."

"Sure what's up?"

"Remember when I had those visions earlier in the year. They started when I touched the crystal ball last year, but they were not all I saw."

"I think I saw the future, but I can't be sure everything that has happened recently like the Goblet and the world cup I had visions on I am worried that the others may come true as well." I continued to say.

"Y/N I know you will do everything you can to change what you can." Hermione said to me with a smile while holding my hand.

"But there was one vision that I hope will come true out of all of them this is the one that I want to be true."

"What was it?"

"Um the vision showed us getting married." I said with a blush.

I watched as a wide smile appeared on Hermione's face as well as a heavy blush.

"I-I-I hope so too love. I would love to spend the rest of my life with you when I am with you everything seems right."

"I feel the same with you Mione. Anytime I have any worries they just disappear when I am with you, I love you with everything I have."

"I love you as well Y/N." She said as we shared a kiss.

After our talk we got changed and made our way down to the Great Hall for Breakfast as we sat and talked about our next trip to Hogsmeade coming up we saw the owls delivering the mail. I watched as a huge pile of letters were dumped in front of me.

"I have a bad feeling about this."

I opened a letter and read what it said.

"You're a monster and should be locked up in Azkaban."

Hermione took the letter out of my hand and read it. I watched as anger crept onto her face and she scrunched it up and threw it over her shoulder. Harry and Ron saw the letters, and each read one.

"These bloody gits don't know what they are talking about." Ron said as he threw one over his shoulder.

"Stupid idiot has as much brains as a flobberworm." Harry said as he threw a letter away.

Delilah came over to see the pile of letters.

"Morning guys, what's all this?"

"Hate mail for Y/N." Hermione said angrily.

"What? Because of the Prophet?" Delilah asked shocked.

"Yep looks like it listen to this one. "You are a despicable boy and should leave that muggleborn girl alone she deserves better. You're a monstrosity on this world and deserved to be subjected to the Dementors kiss." I said finishing reading the letter with a sigh.

Harry Potter x Male Reader insertWhere stories live. Discover now