Diagon Alley and First day at Hogwarts.

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Skylar's POV

Today I awoke on the 12th of July my birthday and I was turning Eleven. Mum and dad had told me that today would be a very special day for me today and as I got up I smiled. I smiled as Sniffles came running up to me and climbed up my arm to my shoulder before chirping and snuggling against me.

"Well good morning Sniffles." I said with a wide smile as he chirped once more.

I placed Sniffles down on my bed as I went to use the shower and change before heading downstairs with Sniffles sitting in my hands looking at the diamond dad had given him from one he had found a few days ago. As soon as I reached the bottom of the stairs my eyes were covered.

"Happy birthday sweetheart." I heard mum say.

"Thanks mum but um can you maybe take your hands off my eyes I can't see where I am going."

"I'll guide you." Mum said with a chuckle as I felt myself being led somewhere.

Mum stopped and took her hands off my eyes, and I smiled.

"Happy Birthday Skylar." Dad said along with Newt, Tina, Bella, Crookshanks and Diabolo.

I laughed as I hugged everyone and the pets as there was a knock on the door. Dad opened it to reveal Harry, Ginny, Ron and Delilah as well as Rosie.

"We aren't late are we?" Harry asked.

"Right on time." Dad said.

Harry headed over to me with a smile as he handed me a gift.

"So, Eleven huh big day for you." He said with a smile.

"Yeah it is."

The others handed me some gifts as well before Dad placed down some food for everyone. I listened as everyone recalled their memories at Hogwarts and smiled as Dad was brought up more than a few times.

"Just remember one thing Skylar." Ron said. "Whatever you do, do not make your dad really angry it's not a pleasant place to be."


"I upset your mother once and let me just say that I found myself on the wrong end of....."

"Basically Y/N made sure he never did it again." Delilah said with a smile as she squeezed Ron's hand.

We continued with the celebration before we heard another knock and mum opened the door and I looked to see who it was.

"Grandma, Grandad." I said excitedly as I made my way over to them quickly and hugged them.

"Oh, Happy birthday Sky." Grandma said as she hugged me tight. "Wendell can you get Skylar's gifts for her?"

Grandad nodded and went outside as Grandma walked with me over to mum and hugged her. Dobby had tried to offer everyone drinks but dad had point blank refused to let him serve anything and told him he was joining in the celebration today. Dobby looked at me nervously before coming up to me.

"Dobby is everything okay?" I asked.

"Uh Dobby wanted to wish Miss a happy birthday, but Dobby did not get miss a gift." He said before rushing over to a set of draws and started to bang his head on it. "Bad Dobby, Bad Dobby."

Dad rushed over to him and pulled him away from draws and we could see that he had cut himself on the corner.

"Dobby how many times have we been over this?" Dad asked as he waved his hand over the cut that was on his head causing it to heal and disappear.

"Dobby is sorry sir." Dobby said hanging his head.

"Dobby." I said softly after making my way over to him and dad and as I did he looked at me. "Thank you for the wishes, I don't need a present from you. All I want is to be around my friends and family on my birthday and you're part of my family Dobby."

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