Return to Private Drive

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For the past couple of weeks I had been talking to Grandma and Grandad and been reading every book I could get my hands on to prepare us for what we had to do. Grandma was still not comfortable about me going off with Harry to look for the Horcrux's. One night at dinner we were discussing it again.

"Y/N, Harry I don't know why Albus left this with the two of you surely it would be better to let one of the order members handle it." Grandma said.

"Grandma we have had this conversation nearly every day. Dumbledore has entrusted Harry with this and I have to finish what Dad started."

"You know I am just concerned for your safety." She replied with a worried look on her face.

"I know you are and I do appreciate it but it's not up for debate we have to do this."

I had also had to make a tough decision and I had to for her own safety remove Claire's memory of me as the Death Eaters more than likely knew that I was raised in the Orphanage because of Lucius Malfoy and I knew if Nathan and Antonin had their way they would torture Claire. Grandma had offered to do it for me but I told her it was something I would have to do alone. I had sent a letter to Rosie and told her that I would have to take her to the burrow for her safety and her Parent's safety. I had also received a letter from Hermione and she had also decided that she would use obliviate on her parents for their safety. It was partly the reason why I had been studying so much. I had read about restoring memories after the use of obliviate and dad's book also had some great tips as well. It was going to be very tough on Hermione and I promised that I would be with her when she had to.

As I awoke the next morning I looked out my window with a sombre expression on my face. I got changed and made my way down the stairs and sat at the kitchen table with my head in my hands. It was going to be a difficult couple of days for me. I first was taking Rosie to the burrow before I would head to the orphanage and then to the Grangers to spend the night with Hermione. Grandma had arranged for Mr &Mrs. Granger to stay in one of her houses in America to hide them and a couple of her old friends would help them to relocate for which I was profoundly grateful. I had not told Hermione as I thought it would be best to tell her in person. As I sat still thinking on what I had to do I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked up to see Harry had a soft smile on his face.

"Hey mate how are you holding up?" He asked as he knew that today I was going to go to the orphanage.

"Not too well Harry it's going to be so hard to wipe Claire's memories. She raised me and cared for me when I had no one and I just....."

At that moment Grandma entered the kitchen and saw me with Harry.

"Morning you two." She said with a smile as she put a kettle on.

"Morning Tina." Harry replied while I stayed silent.

"Y/N are you sure? I don't...." Grandma started to say as she made tea and put the teapot down in front of us.

"No." I said firmly. "I have to do it....."

Grandad entered the kitchen and helped himself to some tea from the teapot.

"So when are we heading to Molly and Arthur's?" He asked as no one else said anything.

"We will be going with Harry soon dear." Grandma replied eventually

"Y/N are you sure you don't want one of us to come with you?" Grandad asked.

"No." I replied as I put on my dad's old coat and headed for the door.

"I will see you at the borrow tomorrow." I said as I left and used my Portkey to get to Rosie's house.

As I stood at the door I remembered last year when we visited on more happy circumstances. I knocked and the door was opened by Rosie.

Harry Potter x Male Reader insertWhere stories live. Discover now