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Hermione's POV

It had been a few months since we had been back at Hogwarts for our final year and to say it was relaxing would be an understatement. Y/N and I had been studying hard for our N.E.W. Ts but he was also doing auror training as well as researching and studying everything he could in order to keep Rosie and I safe from the Helion's. I sat in the Common Room one night with Rosie and Cade reading one of Y/N's journals that he received from Dumbledore when the Common room entrance open and he slowly walked in looking exhausted. I knew that he was pushing himself to the limit but it did cause me to be concerned. Y/N slumped down next to me on the sofa and took a deep breath.

"Y/N are you okay?" Rosie asked.

"I'm fine Rosie just a bit tired." Y/N said with a weak smile.

"Babe you need to take a break your pushing yourself too hard." I said taking his hands in mine. "Please take a day to rest."

"You know I can't do that love. I have to be prepared for the Helion's"

"Babe please just for me." I said kissing his hand.

He looked at me and his expression softened.

"Okay but only for one day." He said.

"That's all I can ask for."

For the rest of the night Rosie, Cade, Y/N, and I played some chess and card games and laughed at jokes we made for one another. Before long it was time for us to head to bed as we would be heading home to see our families over Christmas. Y/N was coming with me to meet my grandparents at home. Tina and Newt had said that they would see us at the burrow on boxing day as we all had planned to meet up with the Weasley's. I awoke in the middle of the night and turned over to see Y/N was not next to me and I quietly got up so I would not disturb Sniffles, Bella and Crookshanks who were asleep at the bottom of our bed. I put on my dressing gown and headed into the Common room to see Y/N bent over his books and had multiple open along with newspaper clippings.

"Babe?" I said as he looked round to see me as I made my way over to him.

"What are you doing up love?" He asked placing down a news clipping as he looked at me.

I sat beside him and took his hands in mine.

"Y/N I thought you were going to stop for the rest of the day?"

"I was 'Mione as I was asleep I just had all the images of what the Helion's had done come flooding into my mind. I can't.... no I won't let that happen to you or Rosie or anyone I care about." He said picking up another book before I placed my hand on it to stop him from opening it.

"Come on babe you need some sleep. We are going to mine tomorrow remember for Christmas? You're going to meet my grandparents at dinner."

Y/N's eyes went wide.

"Ah shit I totally forgot ah..... what if they don't like me? What are they like I mean is....." He began to ramble.

"Babe stop." I said with a soft smile holding his hands. "You don't need to worry. I am sure they will love you."

I took Y/N by his hand and pulled him away from his books.

"'Mione let me get my books and stuff." He said as I led him away from the table.

"No because I know what you are like." I said sternly. "If you have them near you, you will be tempted to read them. Now we are going to go to sleep so you are ready for tomorrow okay?"

"Yes love." He replied as we entered our room.

I turned around and kissed him deeply before pulling him onto the bed with me and he wrapped his arms around me and kissed my cheek.

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