Detention in the Forest

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Hermione's POV

I awoke the next morning early like always and thought back to the night before. Y/N had found out a little more about his parents, his mother more specifically, but I couldn't help but feel that it still weighed heavily on his mind. As I got changed and made my way out of the dormitory, I could see Y/N sitting in one of the chairs looking out the window of the Common Room. I made my way over to where he sat when a black ball of fur jumped into my arms.

"Hello Bella." I said as I looked at her. She nuzzled up to me and looked at me with sad eyes.

"I know I am worried about him too." I said sadly as I stroked her.

I kept Bella in my arms as I walked over to Y/N.

"Y/N?" I asked.

"Hi Mione, I see Bella found you." he said with a weak smile. He had bags under his eyes, it looked like he had not slept.

"Have you not slept?" I asked concerned as I took a seat next to him.

"To be honest no. I can't stop thinking about last night." He said quietly as he looked down at the necklace that had belonged to his mother.

I simply sat there next to him trying to figure out what to say.

"Hey Y/N?" I asked.

"Yes Hermione?" he replied.

"I...I just want to say I think your parents would both be proud of you, your kind, a really great friend and really smart as well. You have helped Harry, Ron and I out a lot since the beginning of the school year. Let us help you try and find something on your parents besides your dad being a chaser."

"Thanks, but I doubt you will find anything." He said sadly.

I heard 2 pairs of footsteps enter and turn to see Harry and Ron.

"Morning Hermione, Morning Y/N." Harry said

"Yeah morning." said Ron.

"Morning Harry, Morning Ron." I said to them.

"Hey Y/N you okay? That's a cool necklace where did you get it?" Harry asked.

"It belonged to my mum." Y/N replied without looking up from it.

"Umm we are heading down to breakfast see you in the hall?" Harry questioned.

"Sounds good Harry, we'll be down in a minute." I said.

I watched as they left before taking Y/N's hand in mine and giving it a squeeze before letting go.

"Y/n look at me." I said quietly.

He turned to look at me with sadness as Bella leapt onto his shoulder and began to nuzzle against his face.

"I know your sad about not knowing much about your parents, but I am sure answers will come soon. You just need to be patient and know you have me." I said with a blush as I realised what I just said.

"Thank you, Hermione that means a lot to me." Y/N replied.

"Good now let's go to the hall for breakfast." I stated as we left for the great hall.


As the morning went on, I started to feel happier than I did this morning. Being around my friends had lightened my spirits. We sat down at the table for lunch and saw 2 owls head into the Great Hall dropping a note at our table while the other dropped a note at the Slytherin table. This must be our detention. We saw Malfoy looked up and sneered at us, I shot him a menacing glare to send a message. That night Filch came to take us to the forest for our detention. I was not looking forward to this being stuck with Malfoy in classes was bad enough.

Harry Potter x Male Reader insertWhere stories live. Discover now