Writing on the wall and Hermione's birthday

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Harry's POV

A few days after the quidditch incident Y/N came into the Great Hall to a load of cheers and pats on the backs from Gryffindors, Hufflepuffs and Ravenclaw students, word had got around about what had happened at the quidditch pitch and how he had decked Malfoy. I looked over at the Slytherin table to see Malfoy staring at us while talking to some other Slytherins.

"Hey Y/N I think Malfoy is trying to find a way to embarrass you." I said to him.

"Let him try Harry lets see how far this goes before he gets another reminder not piss me off." Y/N said while helping himself to some eggs.

"Y/N please don't I don't want you to get expelled." Hermione said to him.

Hermione was still upset over the comment Malfoy had said a couple of days ago and Y/N had taken it upon himself to be with her anytime he could as Malfoy was hoping to catch her by herself in order to call her a mudblood again but would sulk away when he realised Y/N was nearby. Malfoy had been trying to rile Y/N up by insulting him and talking about his dead parents which angered me as well knowing what we did about them.

"Don't worry about that git mate he'll get what's coming to him sooner or later." Ron said to Y/N while pointing at Malfoy.

"I know but thanks all the same." Y/N said with a smile.

We sat eating breakfast and talked about classes for today we had Defence Against the Dark Arts today which we enjoyed not because of what Lockhart was teaching but because Y/N would challenge him on everything, and he would be a bumbling mess when trying to answer his questions, although Hermione still defended him which seemed to agitated Y/N to no end. As the day came to an end, we heard crying near the staircase and turned to see a 2nd year Ravenclaw crying she had blonde shoulder length hair with blue eyes.

"Uhm Hello?" I called out to her.

She looked up to see us with her eyes red from crying.

"What do you want come to call me a mudblood as well?" she snapped at us.

"what no we just wanted to know if there was anything we could do to help?" I said.

"Can you tell us who called you that word?" Hermione asked kindly while placing a hand on her shoulder.

"I'm a muggle born as well I was called that a few days ago." she continued to say.

"Can you tell us who called you that?" Hermione asked.

"No, he said if I told anyone his name or give a description he would go after my sister please I don't want her knowing what it means she only started Hogwarts this year and I don't want her knowing about the discrimination that we face." She said as tears streamed down her face.

"Ok we won't push it, but can you at least tell us your name?" I said to the girl.

"Delilah" she said.

"Well Delilah it's nice to meet you and don't worry not everyone thinks like that." Hermione said.

"Y/N you alright?" Ron asked.

We all looked at him and he had that same look on his face the day he punched Malfoy.

"Yeah, fine I think Malfoy and I need to have a little chat." He said but his voice sounded cold.

"No please I don't want my sister getting involved in any of this and how did you know?" Delilah said.

"Don't worry Delilah he won't bother you or any other muggleborns anymore." Y/N said as he walked off.

Harry Potter x Male Reader insertWhere stories live. Discover now