The Half-Blood Prince and End Of 6th Year

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Harry's POV

Y/N and I stood on the balcony with Dumbledore ready to leave to search for the Horcrux.

"Sir I thought no one could apparate in or out of Hogwarts?" I asked as he smiled at me.

"Ah but being headmaster comes with certain privileges Harry." Dumbledore said with a smile. "Y/N, Harry please take my arm."

We both did and a moment later we apparated near a cave with a towering cliff over it. Y/N stared at the cave as I looked at Dumbledore.

"It's in there isn't it?" I asked him.

Dumbledore nodded as Y/N continued to stare at the cave.

"What is the form of the Horcrux?" Y/N asked.

"I believe it to be a necklace." Dumbledore replied as he stroked his beard. "But we must pass to obtain it and more importantly find a better way to destroy it."

Dumbledore held out his arm as Y/N and I took it again and we apparated into the cave. As I looked around it noticed that it seemed familiar somehow. We walked further into the cave with Dumbledore and I using Lumos to light our wands while Y/N lit his hand on fire. Dumbledore walked around and ran his hand over a wall of the cave whilst looking around.

"Yes this is the place." He announced. "This place has known magic. Where you both stand is once where Tom Riddle stood many many years ago, when he was but a poor orphan boy with a penchant for cruelty...."

"Bloody bastard." Y/N snarled as Dumbledore traced his fingers on the jagged rock next to him.

"One wintery afternoon, he lured two younger classmates to this cave. What happened is unclear. But what is known is that the children were damaged."

As Dumbledore continued to study the rock wall next to him I looked over at Y/N who was worried. I did not need to be a Leglimens to know about what.

"Y/N Hermione and Rosie will be all right. Hermione can look after herself." I said placing my hand on his shoulder.

"I really hope I am wrong about the death eaters though. I mean what if we are playing into their hands? I don't want any of our friends or Hermione at there their mercy....."

Dumbledore opened his eyes and pulled up his sleeve before drawing a dagger and cutting his hand. As he did blood oozed onto the wall and crumbled before us.

"SIR!" Y/N and I shouted at the same time.

"In order to gain passage." Dumbledore said solemnly. "Payment must be made, payment intended to weaken any intruder."

"Sir you should have let us." Y/N said as I nodded in agreement.

"Oh no both of your blood is more valuable and precious than mine."

We entered the arch way to see a find a lake with mist surrounding it with a small island in the middle of it that gave off a faint green glow. Dumbledore stretched out his hand and a green chain appeared in his hand. The chain slithered through his hand and a small boat which was also glowing green emerged from the lake.

 The chain slithered through his hand and a small boat which was also glowing green emerged from the lake

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