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The next month flew by quickly and before we knew it snow was covering the grounds and castle, Christmas had arrived. Professor McGonagall had come round the week previous asking students to write down who would be staying and who would not. The Weasley's, Harry and I wrote our names down to stay but I was upset to see Hermione's name was not on there. I was sure Hermione would enjoy Christmas with her parents, but I would miss her. We had spent a lot of time together in the library together looking for information on Flamel to no avail, but we enjoyed each other's company none the less. The Weasley twins had taken to throwing snowballs at the back of Quirrell's head and pretending not to know what had happened. The day had come when the Hogwarts express would be taking the students who were not staying home. I sat as I watched Harry and Ron play wizard chess. This was the third game they had played with Ron winning every game so far. I sat thinking about Hermione not being around during the holiday's when I heard Ron command one of his pieces move.

"Queen to E5."

The queen listened and then proceeded to whack the knights head with its chair.

"That's Totally barbaric!" Hermione said to them whilst standing next to me packed and ready to go.

"That's wizards chess." Ron stated. "See you've packed".

"Well done Sherlock what do you want a medal for observation?" I said as Hermione giggled.

"Why haven't you?" Hermione asked.

"Change of plan my parents are going to Romania to visit my brother Charlie he study's dragons." Ron replied.

"Good you can help Harry and Y/N then. They are going to keep looking for Nicolas Flamel." Hermione said.

"We've looked hundreds of times." Ron said clearly not interested in trying to find out who Flamel was over Christmas.

Hermione leaned towards the three of us and said in a whisper.

"Not in the restricted section. Happy Christmas."

As she walked away, I got up and called after her.

"Hermione wait." I said.

Hermione's POV

I turned to see Y/N catch up to me as he took my bag and carried it while we made our way down to the Hogwarts express. As we reached the station, I took my bag from him and asked.

"You will keep looking, won't you?"

"Of course, I will. If I find anything of note I will send you an owl." He replied with a smile.

"I am going to miss you so much over Christmas you know that right?" I said to him my cheeks slightly blushing.

"I know Mione I will as well." He replied to me while giving me a hug.

We stood there for a good minute or so before we pulled apart. I started to see others get onto the train as I gave Y/N another quick hug and stood on my toes and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek and boarded the train quickly to hide the blush on my face and found an empty compartment and waved out the window to Y/N as the train pulled away.


I stood there with my hand on my cheek where Hermione had just kissed it going a very bright red before realising Hermione was waving to me from her compartment. I then started waving back as the train left and made my way back up the path to the castle. I bumped into Hagrid on my way back.

"Hello Hagrid. Happy Christmas." I said to him with a smile.

"Hello Y/N Happy Christmas what are yeh doing out here instead of being in the castle?" Hagrid asked.

Harry Potter x Male Reader insertWhere stories live. Discover now