New Home

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It had only been a few days since Harry and I had moved into Grandma and Grandad's home but I felt comfortable it was an amazing feeling to be at the home where my dad grew up. Grandma had given me my dads old room and showed me some of the things he had left when he moved out. Amongst them was a letter to mum talking about what they had plan to do over the summer holidays when they first started dating. As I sat on the bed looking around I heard a knock on the door.

"Come in." I said as I stroked Bella and Sniffles.

Harry opened the door and came in.

"Hey Harry, how are you settling in?" I asked with a smile.

"Yeah good Y/N I just came to chat. Listen I still feel bad about what happened at the Department of Mysteries with Hermione getting hurt and...."

Harry's voice trailed off as he could not bring himself to say what happened.

"Harry I know it's tough at the minute but Sirius would not want us to dwell on what happened. I am not saying we forget what happened but we need to honour his memory by moving on and cherishing what time we had with him."

Harry smiled after hearing what I had to say but I could still tell that he blamed himself.

"Thanks Y/N. Hey want to practice some Quidditch?"

"Maybe later I have a few things I need to do today. I have to go to the Orphanage and get the last of my things and say goodbye to Claire and pick up Hermione."

After a short while I was ready to head to the Orphanage and get the last of my things and pick up Hermione as she would be staying with me over the holidays. As I walked away from the house I saw Grandma and Grandad by the beach that was only a few steps from the house and made my way over to them.

"Hey Grandad, Grandma I am going to the Orphanage now and then going to pick up Hermione."

"Okay Y/N just be careful and don't worry we will talk to Harry as well." Grandma said.

I had previously had a conversation with them both about how Harry was still feeling after the battle at the Department of Mysteries and that everything was his fault. As I made my way down the beach I used my Portkey and teleported to the Orphanage. I stood outside and looked at the Orphanage and smiled remembering the memories I had living there receiving my Hogwarts letter becoming an Animagus, Claire visiting Hogwarts for the third task and her helping me when I needed it. I knocked on the door and waited until it was answered by Claire.

"Y/N hello!" She said with a smile as she gave me a hug one I returned with a smile.

"Hi Claire, how are you?" I said as we released each other from the hug.

"Great Y/N come in." she said as she led me inside. "I have packed everything for you."

"Thank you Claire." I said noticing the box with my things in it.

"How are things going with the Orphanage?" I asked leaning against the kitchen counter as I did.

"Things are going okay. Same old." She said with a sad smile.

"Claire what's wrong?" I asked.

"Nothing just sad to see you go that's all." She said. "You always were the least troublesome to deal with. Well except that time when that vase exploded."

I laughed remembering the incident myself as she smiled.

"That was before we knew I was a wizard." I said.

We soon sat down and chatted over some tea about what had happened since I had left and found that a couple of the kids had been adopted which was great to hear. We also talked about Grandma and Grandad. Soon I realised I needed to go and get Hermione.

Harry Potter x Male Reader insertWhere stories live. Discover now