Hogsmeade and Hermione's Birthday

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The first trip to Hogsmeade was upon us and also Hermione's birthday. I could still not believe that Hermione and I would be getting married soon. As I lay in bed I thought on what Grandma and Grandad had said about them and Hermione's parents already getting us a wedding present. I could have read their minds but I decided not to. Hermione was going to ask Rosie to be her maid of honour as we had both grown close to her over the last three years and I did treat her like a little sister as for me I was planning to as Harry to be my best man kind of what dad did with James. Hermione would have Rosie, Delilah and Ginny as her Bridesmaids and I would have Harry, Ron, and Neville as my groomsmen. We planned to sit down and go through the wedding plans but that would have to wait as today was the day of Hermione's surprise party at the three Broomsticks. I had even managed to invite Wendall and Monica and I was going to teleport with them to Hogsmeade to surprise Hermione. I looked down to see Hermione's head on my chest along with her hand with which I saw the ring. I had my arms wrapped around her like I usually did and a smiled just seeing her beautiful form beneath me as I ran one of my hands through her hair. Hermione slowly stirred awake and looked at me with that beautiful smile of hers.

"Hey..." She said in a sleepy voice which made me smile even more.

"Morning Love." I said as I placed a kiss on her lips. "Happy Birthday."

"Thank you my love." She replied as she kissed me again.

Hermione then turned over and wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed me with even more passion. I rolled over so I was now on top of her as she smiled at me.

"Oh its going to be like that is it?" I said to her as I kissed her on the neck causing her to giggle before placing a kiss on her lips once more.

"I love you so much Y/N." Hermione said as she rested one of her hands on my cheeks.

"And I love you so much future Mrs. L/N." I said with a smile as she beamed back at me.

I went to stand up but Hermione pulled me back to bed and kissed me more.

"Darling we have to get up." I said as Hermione pouted. "But before that...."

I reached under the bed and pulled out Hermione's gift and handed it to her.

"Happy birthday my love."

Hermione opened the small box to see a note above her gift that read.

To My One and Only Love

The day I met you I found my missing piece

You complete me and make me a better person. If I did one thing right in my life it was giving you my heart.

You are my love and I'll never give up loving you.

She set the card aside with tears in her eyes as she picked up a box that had a gap it in to place a candle or light.

"If you put a light in the gap love it will show you a message." I said.

I drew the curtains as Hermione used Lumos to see the message and as she did a photo of us appeared on the ceiling surrounded by stars and the message wrote.

I love you Hermione Granger.

Hermione smiled with tears in her eyes as she grabbed me and pressed her lips up against mine firmly and kissed me with passion.

"Thank you love. It is an amazing gift."

"I'm glad you like it love." I replied pecking her lips with mine. "But we need to get up. We have to go to Hogsmeade today."

Harry Potter x Male Reader insertWhere stories live. Discover now