Heir vs Heir/ End of second year

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I stood rooted to the spot with shock. I was the grandson of the dark wizard Gellert Grindelwald. The dark wizard who wanted muggleborns under his control. That meant that my dad had been his son and that's why Voldemort wanted him to join him all those years ago. I dropped to my knees after the revelation of who I was fully hit me with my wand clattering besides me as it slipped from my grasp.

"You look confused Harry." Riddle said with an evil smirk.

"The truth is completely destroying Y/N why don't I tell you who Grindelwald was." Riddle continued.

"Harry don't listen to him." I shouted.

"Gellert Grindelwald was one of the most powerful wizards to ever live with the exception of that fool Dumbledore." Riddle said ignoring me telling him to stop. "He wanted mudbloods and muggles under the rules of wizards, during his time he amassed a huge following to carry out his ideals." Riddle continued.

"Dumbledore sent a man named Newt Scamander to America to find him and find him he did with the help of Tina Goldstein, Queenie Goldstein, Jacob Kowalski and the entire MACUSA, in 1945 Grindelwald and Dumbledore had their infamous duel with Grindelwald eventually surrendering but he did not surrender alone one of his Acolytes surrendered with him her name was Elyse Porter. She was madly in love with Grindelwald and they both were imprisoned in Numengard. Many years later she gave birth to a baby boy can you guess who that was?"

"Kadon Y/N's father." Harry replied.

"Yes, Harry that is right shortly after Dumbledore visited Grindelwald, Grindelwald asked him to take his son as he couldn't stand the thought that his Son would grow up to learn of the things he did. I of course kept tabs on all this through my death eaters. He would have been a great addition to my ranks but instead he fell in love with a mudblood.

"Y/N's mother Maria." Harry said.

"Correct when he became of age Dumbledore told him of his lineage and who he was I was hoping this would set something off within him to cause him to seek me out, but it only made his resolve to be different from his father stronger. He told Maria of what he learned, and it just made her love him more. When the first Wizarding war started many of my death eaters were killed by Kadon as he helped to protect mudbloods to prove he was different from his father he embraced his magic and used it to defend the scum of the wizarding world from me." Riddle said with anger in his voice towards the end of the sentence. "I brought Ginny down here for two reasons one was to draw you down here Harry the other was I knew Y/N would follow you and I could finally reveal who he was." Riddle said with an evil smirk.

"Y/N sounds like you are your father's son through and through you are nothing like Grindelwald you have protected many muggleborns and myself countless times even saved my life many times." Harry said.

"Hey, Riddle I'll protect him with my life as he had done for me. He is my Godbrother and as Y/N said Dumbledore is never truly gone not as long as those who are still loyal to him remain." Harry said.

We heard a loud cry along with the sound of something singing and turned in the direction to see Fawkes flying towards us with something wrapped up in its Talons.

"Fawkes?" we both said in unison.

Fawkes flew in a circle above us before dropping something at Harry's feat. Harry picked it up to reveal the sorting hat.

"So, this is what Dumbledore sends his defenders a songbird and an old hat." Riddle said with an evil smile.

Riddle turned to the face and hissed something in Parseltongue with his hand raised.

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