The Grangers and the Burrow

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I awoke with a start from my bed having seen the same visions I had the previous year.I had just woken up and was covered in sweat from seeing Cedric Diggory die next to me in a graveyard. I sat in bed trying to piece together the things I had seen, I had been having the same dream for the last week and it's started to make me feel uneasy. I got out of bed and made my way over to my desk to see the letter Hermione had sent me yesterday and decided to re-read it.

Dear, Y/N

I hope the summer is going well for you so far. Mum wanted to ask if you would be able to make dinner tomorrow night? If you can't we can rearrange for another time has Ron told you he managed to get tickets? Ron said his family would pick me up in a few days I hope you can make it tomorrow I really miss you.

Love Mione.

I set the letter down with a smile, I had missed Hermione a lot over the summer so far and I decided that I would tell her how I felt about her this year. I picked up another letter from Ron.


Dad got the tickets to the finals from work. We are going to pick Harry and Hermione up in a few days' time will let you know when we can come and get you as well.

See you soon mate.


I had also been keeping in touch with Harry in case the Dursley had been mistreating him, but he assured me he was fine and looking forward to seeing the world cup. I got changed and made my way down into the kitchen and helped myself to some juice and sat by the window staring out into the garden. I had replied to Hermione's letter saying I would be coming but I was nervous going to the house of the girl I loved. I sat there thinking on the best way to try and calm my nerves before I was interrupted by a hand on my shoulder.

"Y/N are you okay?" Claire asked. "Are you nervous about going to see your friend Hermione later?"

"To be honest Claire I am I don't really know how to present myself. I am having dinner with Hermione and her parents what if I make a total fool out of myself?" I asked.

"Y/N you just have to be you, you would not have been invited otherwise remember Hermione likes you for you." Claire said with a smile.

"Thanks Claire but I still feel nervous I mean the only other places I have been is Hogwarts and Ron's."

"Y/N don't be nervous you'll be fine." Claire said with a smile as she went to start breakfast for the day.

After breakfast I decided to go for my run. I had been running in the mornings along with continuing my martial arts to build more strength and I had seen some benefit to it already. I came back from my run tired but happy, I always felt that running helped to clear my head and with going to Hermione's later I needed all the help I could get. Once I got back to the orphanage I showered and changed into a button up shirt some black jeans and my trainers and made my way downstairs to see Claire preparing dinner for the others.

"Hey Claire, can I ask your opinion on something?" I asked.

"Sure Y/N." She said as she turned around. "Well someone clearly made an effort."

"If your asking about your clothes you look great." She said with a smile.

"Well that's a relief." I said with a laugh.

I said goodbye and made my way out and caught the bus to Hermione's. As I got off the bus I stopped to pick up some flowers as I thought it would be a nice Idea. I bought 2 lots one for Hermione and one for Hermione's mother. I soon found the house and took a deep breath as I knocked on the door. I waited until the door opened.

Harry Potter x Male Reader insertWhere stories live. Discover now