Y/N's Birthday

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I slowly opened my eyes to see Bella staring at me I reached up to scratch her behind the ears as I did, she nuzzled my face.

"Morning Bella what's got you so excited today hmm?" I asked while continuing to stroke her. Today was a Saturday I had plans to study for the end of year exams in the library today. I got up, changed grabbed my books and quietly excited the dorm as the others still slept. I made my way down to the Common Room and out to the library. I placed all my book down and started to study for transfiguration, I was halfway through reading when I got a strange feeling I was being watched. I looked up but could see no one. I waved it off thinking I had imagined it and continued studying. I did not know how long I had been there reading before I heard a voice.


I looked up to see Hermione.

"Good morning Hermione, sorry I wanted to get some study time in while there was no one here." I said with a smile.

"Why are you here it's an important day today do you know what it is?" she asked with a smile.

"I have not got a clue, Hermione is it something important I should remember? we don't have a test on Monday do we?" I asked as I started to panic throwing all my books open racking my brain trying to remember.

Hermione then began to laugh.

"What, what is it?" I asked.

"It's your birthday Y/N." Hermione said with a smile.

I sat there shocked I had forgotten my birthday again.

"Uh sorry forgot I don't really track my birthday to be honest." I said to Hermione.

"Come on we are going back to the Common Room, Harry and Ron are waiting for you there as well." She said taking my hand and marching us out of the library while I blushed.

"Wait I didn't tell them when my birthday was how did they know?" I asked Hermione.

"I told them." she replied.

We reached the fat lady and gave the password to enter. Hermione pulled me inside and I saw Harry and Ron sitting by the fireplace. They looked up as we entered.

"Happy Birthday mate." Ron said.

"Happy Birthday Y/N, where did you go? Hermione was in hysteric's when she couldn't find you, but I guess she did in the end." Harry asked with a grin plastered on his face.

"I was in the library doing some studying trying to get ready for end of year exams." I said.

Harry and Ron looked at me like I was mental, Hermione just smiled.

Hermione's POV

I looked at Y/N with a smile. I do not know what it was about him but when I am around him, I felt happy, happier than when I was just with Harry and Ron. I went up to my dorm to get Y/N his birthday present from my trunk that I had gotten over the Christmas holidays I really hoped he would like it. I made my way down to see Harry, Ron and Y/N talking and sharing a laugh at how he had forgotten his own birthday. I sat down next to him before handing over my present to him.

"Happy Birthday." I said to him with a blush on my face.

"Hermione thank you." He said with a smile as he opened the present carefully. I watched him open it and his eyes widened.

"Hermione, I can't accept this it's too much." He said as he pulled out the watch, I had gotten for him. The watch had a red background like the Gryffindor colour and a leather strap. With black hands and silver numbers.

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