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Harry's POV

With our plan set and Luna returning to Hogwarts we all changed into our disguises. I would be holding Griphook on my back as the others would be doing the walking and talking. As I was waiting, Ron was standing nearby with brownish hair instead of his usual ginger. You could not even see a single strand of it.

"What do you think?" Ron asked. "Delilah transfigured my hair for me looks good right?"

"Wouldn't know you if I didn't know you." I said as I turned over the mirror in my hands that Sirius had given me a few years ago.

"So you going to tell me what that is?" Ron asked.

"Sirius gave it to me." I replied. "He had a matching piece. He said if I ever needed him, all I had to do was look into it."

"You mean he could see you?" Ron asked looking confused.

"Something like that," I said. "I don't know. He died before I ever got to use this. The thing is though....."

"Go on." Ron said.

"You will think I am mad but more than once, when I've looked into it-- I could have sworn I have seen Dumbledore."

Ron opened his mouth to reply when my eyes looked behind him to see Bellatrix Lestrange (Hermione in this case.), Rodolphus Lestrange(Y/N) and Narcissa Malfoy (Delilah). They walked into the room with Griphook who was holding onto the sword of Gryffindor.

"Bloody Hell......" Ron said. "That's a sight."

"How do we look?" Hermione asked.

"Hideous." Ron and I remarked.

"Perfect we look like the bunch of arseholes we need to then." Y/N said. "It feels very weird to be impersonating someone's husband when my girlfriend is next to me."

"Well at least we are a couple like this as well." Hermione said to Y/N with a smile.

I looked at Griphook who was examining the sword.

"You can give that to either Y/N or Hermione to hold onto, alright Griphook?"

Hermione opened her beaded bag as Y/N took the sword from Griphook and placed it inside the bag carefully. We soon stood in a circle and apparated to Diagon Alley right outside of Gringotts ready to walk in. Hermione and Y/N readied themselves to enter along with Ron and Delilah as Griphook was on my back and we were both covered by the invisibility cloak. As we all entered the bank, we passed by a warlock who greeted us.

"Mr. Lestrange, Madam Lestrange," The warlock greeted.

"Good morning." Hermione-Bellatrix said in a voice not equal to Bellatrix's.

"Good morning?, Good Morning?" Griphook whispered "You're Bellatrix Lestrange, Not some dewy-eyed schoolgirl!"

"Griphook I advise you to shut up before I make you." Y/N said to him before turning to the Warlock.

"My wife has business to attend to for the dark lord so either move out of the way or I will make you." Y/N- Rodolphous said menacingly.

The Warlock moved away from us quickly before I heard Griphook talk again.

"She gives us away and we might as well take that sword and slit our own throats understand?"

"Or I could drive it through some Death Eaters." Y/N said.

"He's right though it was stupid of me," Hermione said. "Good save though love."

We walked through the hall where I recalled Hagrid bringing me here for the first time. The goblins were at their workstations and their heads turned to watch us as we walked in. The older goblin at the pedestal scribbled in his book, and didn't look up form it to see who had come in.

Harry Potter x Male Reader insertWhere stories live. Discover now