Mudblood's and an Idiot's lesson.

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We made our way towards Lockhart's classroom and I really did not want to be here right now. On our way Ron kept moaning and showing us his broken wand that he had fixed with spellotape after it had snapped in the car crash and to make matters worse it was hissing and sending out angry sparks at a random time. We entered the classroom to see it had been redecorated with portraits of Lockhart doing various activities. God this man must be the most egotistical man I have ever met. I took a seat at the back of the class instead of my usual place near the front as I did not think I would learn anything from him. I looked at the teacher's desk to see a cage covered with a cloth.

"Let me introduce you to your new Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher me." Lockhart said with a smile as I once again just banged my head on the table.

"Gilderoy Lockhart, order of merlin third class, honorary member of the dark force defence league and twice winner of Witches Weekly's Most charming smile award, but I don't like to talk about that. I did not get rid of the Bandon Banshee by smiling at her." he said as he awaited a laugh with only a few chuckles thrown in.

"I see everyone has bought a collection of my books excellent." he said.

"Now first we are going to start with a quiz to see how well you have read the material and understood it, you have 30 minutes to complete it." Lockhart said.

As the quizzes were handed out I looked at mine with disgust surely he was not serious all the questions were about him nothing not a damn thing about defensive spells or anything related to defending oneself. As the 30 minutes came to an end, I handed back my paper having not even bothered to answer anything.

"Tut tut hardly any of you remember that my favourite colour is lilac. I said so in year of the Yeti, and a few of you need to read Wanderings with Werewolves once more, I said in chapter 12 that my perfect birthday gift would be Harmony between magical and non-magical people, although I would not say no to a large bottle of Ogden's firewhiskey." He said with a smile.

"But Ms. Hermione Granger knew my secret ambition was to rid the world of evil and bring out my own range of hair products. Where is Ms. Granger?" he asked. I looked to see Hermione raise a shaky hand into the air.

"well done 10 points to Gryffindor." he said.

"Now where is Mr. L/N?" I lazily put my hand into the air.

"You did not bother to answer the questions why?" Lockhart asked me.

The whole class gasped as this as I was one of the best in the year. Hermione looked at me with shock on her face.

"Well, I thought it was Defence Against the Dark Arts and none of these questions are about defending ourselves against the dark arts what am I going to do if I meet a Banshee smile at it and tell it my favourite colour is bloody lilac?" I said.

Most of the girls in the class looked at me with shock while Hermione looked appalled. I did not care.

"That...that is no way to talk to a Professor Mr. L/N what I teach is up to me." Lockhart said.

"Fine but it's pretty pathetic if you ask me to teach us about you rather than something useful." I said.

"Uhm... well I am afraid to say Mr. L/N you have failed this quiz." Lockhart said to me.

"Fine by me." I said while looking through my bag.

"So, to Business." Lockhart said.

"It is my Job to prepare you against the foulest creatures Know to Wizard Kind! You may find yourselves facing your worse fears in this very room but know that nothing can hurt you while I am around." He said.

Harry Potter x Male Reader insertWhere stories live. Discover now