The Second Task

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The second task was now only a day away and I was in the Library with Harry, Ron and Hermione looking up what creatures could be potentially in the lake I was aware that there were Merpeople and Grindylows, but I was unsure about the rest and I wanted to be prepared for anything. I had not had a chance to tell Harry about the task due to the harassment I had from Krum and the other Durmstrangs as well as learning the bubble head charm and my lessons with Dumbledore. Harry was talking to Ron and Hermione as I put my book down I heard him say.

"Potentially problematic? When was the last time any of you had to hold your breath underwater for an hour?"

"Harry don't speak to Hermione like that." I said while looking at him.

"Sorry I am just stressed out over the task."

"Look I am sure we can find something for you." I said as I placed my book down and picking up another to try and find something for him.

We continued to study until we were interrupted by Mad-eye Moody.

"Hate to break up this scholarship session but Professor McGonagall would like to see you in her office."

I placed my book down to stand up as did the others before Moody raised his hand.

"Not you L/N or you Potter just Granger and Weasley."

"But sir." Hermione said. "The second task is only hours away and...."

"Exactly so L/N and Potter should be more than ready for the task tomorrow and could do with a good night's sleep."

I looked at Moody.

"Sir can I speak to Hermione quickly in private?"

"Make it quick L/N McGonagall needs them now."

I pulled Hermione away from the others and hugged her close to me.

"I promise babe I will get to you as quick as I can, and nothing will happen to you."

"I know babe you're going to do great."

"I love you so much Mione."

"I know Y/N, I love you too."

As we separated from one another Hermione placed her hands on my cheeks and smiled. I kissed her forehead as she left with Ron and Moody.

"Alright Harry let's see what we can find for you." I said with a sigh as I pulled a mountain of books towards me.

Harry and I must have fallen asleep while studying as I was being woken up by a someone poking me.

"Y/N L/N must wake up!" A voice said.

"Ouch... okay ... just stop poking me."

"Harry Potter and Y/N L/N must wake up Sir. Wake up!"

I lifted my head up and looked to see who was poking me.


Harry awoke and adjusted his glasses to see Dobby standing on the table.

"Harry Potter and Y/N L/N must get ready. Dobby came to tell them the second task starts in ten minutes."

"WHAT?!" I yelled I looked down at my watch Hermione had given me to see it was 9.20 shit he was right.

"Harry Potter must hurry Sir." Dobby said. "Harry Potter and Y/N L/N are supposed to be with the other champions sir!"

"It's too late Dobby. I'm not doing the task, I don't know how to breathe underwater for an hour."

"Harry Potter will do the task!" Dobby said. "Dobby knew Harry Potter had not found the right book, so Dobby did it for him!"

Harry Potter x Male Reader insertWhere stories live. Discover now