The Vision and Friendships Reconciled

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Today we had another trip to Hogsmeade, but our mood was dampened upon returning as Hermione had received a letter from Hagrid. They had lost. We had also learned that Lupin had taken the map away from Harry as well as Snape trying to get the map to show itself to him. I was upset that Harry had not listened to me I was only trying to keep him safe.

"We have to tell them." Hermione said as her voice trembled. "They wanted to help before all this, right?"

"Yeah they did." I said as I hugged Hermione "We are going to have to talk to them eventually."

We walked into the common room to see Ron glaring at us.

"Come to have a good gloat?" Ron said. "Or have you been to tell on us?"

"No." Hermione said as she trembled "We just thought you ought to know...."

"Hagrid lost the case." I said sadly "Buckbeak's going to be executed."

"He sent us this." Hermione said as she handed the letter to Harry.

Dear Hermione and Y/N,

We lost. I'm allowed to bring him back to Hogwarts. Execution date is fixed. Beaky has enjoyed London.

We won't forget the help you gave us.


"Buckbeak is not dangerous." Harry said, "They can't execute him".

"Malfoy's father frightened the committee into it." Hermione said with tears rolling down her face as I wiped them away with my thumb. "You know what he's like. They are a bunch of old fools and they were scared."

"There is an appeal though." I said. "Always is one but I cant see any hope with it."

"There will be one." Ron said standing up from his seat. "Because you two won't have to do all the work this time. I'll help."

"Oh Ron." Hermione cried. "I am really sorry about Scabbers."

"Oh, well he was really old." Ron said timidly. "And he was useless. You never know, Mum and Dad might get me an owl now."

"Does that mean that Bella and Crookshanks can now come out of Hermione's dorm?" I asked.

"Yeah I suppose so." Ron said as Hermione went upstairs to let the cats out I watched as she came down with Crookshanks in her arms as I was jumped on and nuzzled by Bella.

"Hey Bella, I missed you as well." I said as I hugged her.

"Ron I am sorry about Scabbers as well but it's nice to not have you being a git again." I said as I shook his hand.

While we were at Care for Magical Creatures, we talked to Hagrid. Who still seemed to be in shock.

"S' all me fault. Got all tongue tied. They was all sittin in black robes and I kept dropping me notes and forgettin' all them dates yeh both looked up fer me. An' then Lucius Malfoy stood up an' said his bit, and the Committee jus' did exactly what he told em'......"

"There is still the appeal!" Ron said, "We can't give up."

"S' no good Ron," Hagrid moped. "That Committee's in Malfoy's pocket. I'm Jus' gonna make sure the rest o' Beaky's time is the happiest he's ever had. I owe him that...."

He then cried into his Handkerchief and went into his hut.

"Y/N we are still going to help him as much as we can though right?" Hermione asked me as she hugged me.

Harry Potter x Male Reader insertWhere stories live. Discover now