More training and Trouble

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Skylar's POV

After the recent visit to Hogsmeade the ministry had insisted on having aurors guard the castle. Uncle Harry had been very thorough during his classes and had been increasing the amount of spells he was to teaching us. I didn't mind but what I did mind was that I was not any help during the last battle. I had to ask Dad to come and help us if I had been stronger I may not have had to. Cecil and I had taken to the library every night trying to find as much defensive magic as we could. One night we headed to the room of requirement after a previous late night studying the library books we had borrowed to study more defensive magic and as we entered mum looked at me worried.

"Skylar sweetheart you look exhausted what's wrong?" Mum asked.

"Nothing mum just late-night studying."

"You mean taking nearly every defensive spell book out of the library Skylar." I heard to see Dad behind us.

"Sky is this because of what happened in Hogsmeade?" Mum asked as I held my head low. "Oh, Sky honey."

Mum hugged me as I hugged her tight.

"I told you to stay out of the fight because I love you and I don't want you getting hurt. You are only in your first year of Hogwarts sweetheart we are not expecting you to take on dark wizards."

"But when you and dad were here dad did and you helped to get Harry and Dad to the stone mum."

"I know sweetheart, but you shouldn't be worrying about following what we did. We want you to forge your own path. We both don't want to see you rush into danger like we did. I mean your dad more than me but still...."

This got a little laugh out of me as mum kissed the top of my head and I looked up at her with a smile.

"Thank you mum."

"Your welcome sweetheart."

Dad went through some of the things Harry had taught us and even showed Cecil and I some extra spells before I stopped him.

"Dad what was that spell you used you know the one with the blue flames?"

Dad and mum looked at each other before Cecil looked at dad.

"Professor is she talking about Protego Diabolica?"

"Yes she is Cecil and no I will not teach you that spell Sky." Dad replied.

"But Dad it could be...."

"No Sky."

"Dad it could be extremely useful for me....."

"I said no." Dad said more forcefully.

"Dad I....."

"I know you want to know as much as possible as quickly as possible Sky." Dad said before squatting down and placing his hands on my shoulders and looking me in the eyes. "But right now, the answer is no maybe one day but just not today okay?"

"So does that mean?" I asked with a smile as dad chuckled.

"Maybe one day Sky I will teach you it and some of my more complex spells okay?"

I nodded and smiled as Dad gave me a quick hug before Cecil and I carried on the lesson. As we finished and headed back to the common room Cecil was asking about dad's spells.

"I don't know all of the spells he made Cecil." I said in a slightly annoyed tone.

"You must know some....."

"Well, I know one, but I haven't perfected it yet. I came across it when Dad left his book open on his table just before I began school."

"You have to show me." Cecil begged as we continued to climb the stairs.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 14, 2023 ⏰

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