The Inquisitorial Squad

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It had been a few weeks since we had returned to Hogwarts, and I was coming up with a plan to get back at Malfoy for calling Rosie a mudblood. I was furious that he had called her a mudblood I was walking through the corridor when I spotted Peeves.

"Oh little grindewaldy what prank should I play on you?" He asked while floating upside down with a wide grin on his face.

"Best not Peeves but how would you like to cause some mischief for Filch and Umbridge?" I asked him to receive a wide smile in return. I talked through a plan with him that involved playing frisbee with Umbridge's cat plates and making Filch try and catch them. I had at least one part of my plan done and now I had to think on what to do about Malfoy. I walked around until I bumped into Grandad.

"Y/N are you alright? you seem distracted."

"Not really grandad, I am a bit upset. When we were away for the Christmas break Rosie was constantly harassed by Malfoy. He kept calling her a mudblood and I want to get back at him for it."

Newt stood with his hand on his chin as if in thought before he smiled.

"Well it's a good thing your dad had something planned for a situation like this. He had a plan in case someone would call your mother that. When Tina found out she screamed at him for hours about it." Newt finished with a laugh.

Newt went on to explain how dad had made a prank so that whoever called the person a mudblood they would break out in hives that would spell mudblood on their own head.

"My dad really did not take kindly to it huh."

"Sort of like you is it not?" Newt said with a smile.

As Newt handed me the powder that my dad had made I walked back to the common room with a smile on my face knowing what I had to do. I entered to see Harry, Ron, Hermione and Rosie sitting by the fireplace talking as Hermione stroked Sniffles head. As I took a seat Sniffles chirped as he made his way over to me as I gave him a galleon.

"Hey Sniffles." I said lightly stroking his head as Bella jumped into my lap.

"Don't worry I haven't forgot about you Bella." I said with a laugh as she nuzzled my face.

"Hey, any luck with finding Malfoy?" Hermione asked.

"No but I have got something better courtesy of my dad."

"What is it?" Hermione asked.

"Not telling you love it's a surprise."

"Hey Hermione, can you help me with my potion's homework I am having a little trouble." Rosie said.

"Of course I can come on let's head to the library." Hermione said with a smile.

As Hermione and Rosie left, I turned to Harry and Ron.

"Okay lads the reason I didn't want to tell Hermione is it's a bit of payback for her as well." I said while showing them the powder.

"What is that stuff?" Ron asked.

"This powder was made by my dad and whoever gets in contact with it will have a message written on their forehead being I'm a mudblood and guess who's the target."

"Y/N you're not going after Malfoy with it are you?" Ron asked with a wide grin as Harry struggled not to laugh.

"Yes, I am and here is the kicker if he agrees I am going to get Dobby to help me." I said. "Oh and Ron make sure Delilah is around for this she may want a laugh."

"How the bloody hell am I going to do that?" Ron asked going red in the face.

"I don't know say you need help with something and then we can all meet outside the library and see the results." I said with a smirk.

Harry Potter x Male Reader insertWhere stories live. Discover now