Race against time

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After finding out about the Helion's heading to Rosie's I wanted to leave immediately but Grandma and everyone else stopped me from leaving and was trying to get me to help with a plan to capture them but all I was doing was pacing backwards and forwards.

"Y/N stop pacing and come over here and help with a plan." Grandma said.

"We haven't got time for a plan." I replied in an annoyed tone. "They could just apparate to Rosie's house and kill her and her parents."

"They can't." Harry said.

"Why can't they?" I asked.

"Because Ron and I as well as some of the other ministry workers set up protective spells to help keep them safe. They won't be able to just apparate into the house."

I stopped pacing and looked at him and Ron.

"What?" Harry asked with a grin. "You thought that I wasn't going to look out for Rosie I know to you she is like a little sister and because she is I thought best to take precautionary steps."

"Newt and I also placed some of our own spells on the house not to mention Newt left an Occamy with Rosie."

"She never mentioned that." Hermione said.

"I gave her the Occamy last day of term must have slipped her mind."

We continued planning until we had come up with a plan to capture them and I looked out the window preparing myself for another fight that was to come.

"Hopefully the last one." I said with a sigh as I felt a hand on my shoulder.

I looked to see Grandma next to me who had a small smile on her face.

"One finally time huh?" she asked as I nodded and looked over to Hermione who smiled at me.

"Yeah I really hope so. Unless Dad had any more enemies I need to know about?"

"No last two." Kingsley said as he made his way over to us. "The others died at the battle of Hogwarts."

I made my way over to Hermione as Harry, Ron and Kingsley chatted to Grandma and Grandad.

"Are you sure about this love?" I asked Hermione taking her hands in mine and holding them loosely. "You can stay if you want."

"No I am coming babe. Rosie is like a little sister to me as well."

I raised her hands to my lips and kissed them before we made sure we had our wands and anything else we needed before heading out the door. Before the others came outside I turned to Hermione.

"Babe if it gets dangerous get Rosie and get out of the house, get both of you somewhere safe."

"Y/N I am not leaving you and trust me you are not the only one who has been training."

Soon Harry, Ron, Kingsley, Grandma, Grandad, Hermione, and I walked down the path from the borrow before we apparated near to Rosie's home to see 2 cloaked figures appear at the other end. As they looked at us we looked at them before they started running towards the house.

"SO MUCH FOR THE ELEMENT OF SURPRISE!" I shouted before running after them.

"Y/N WAIT!" Grandma yelled.

A killing curse was sent my way as I rolled out of the way before giving chase once more.

I used a variety of spells to cause the Helion's to sidestep to stop them getting closer to the house before skidding to a halt in front of them.

"Well if it isn't little L/N junior." Severina said with an evil smile.

I could see the madness in her eyes amongst her tangled black hair and looked over at Vexacion who stared at me with cold amber coloured eyes as he snarled towards me. I stood with my wand at the ready but before I could do anything they both threw up shield charms to block the stunning spells that had been fired their way. I looked to see Grandma, Grandad, Harry, Ron, Kingsley, and Hermione make their way over to me with wands raised.

Harry Potter x Male Reader insertWhere stories live. Discover now