Friendships reconciled and the Three Hallows

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Harry's POV

I awoke in the middle of the night as my dreams were plagued by what had happened in Godric's Hollow with Nagini and almost being caught by Voldemort. I looked over at the other bunks to see that Hermione and Delilah were still asleep as Y/N was keeping watch. I picked up the locket off the table and made my way outside to see him sitting by a fire that he had made as it was snowing.

"Hey Harry." Y/N said as I approached him and took a seat next to him.

"Hey mate I'll take watch you should get some rest." I said. "You have been on watch for a long while now."

"Yeah I am starting to feel a bit tired." Y/N said as I took Hermione's wand out of my pocket.

"We really have to do something about getting you another wand you can't just keep using 'Miones." He continued.

"I know but go and get some rest mate."

As Y/N walked inside the tent I looked out towards the forest as something caught my eye it was a silver light. I stood up from the log I was sitting on and moved closer to it to see it was moving closer towards me. My voice hitched in my throat as the light continued to move closer towards me. The light stepped out from behind an oak tree to reveal that it was a silver-white doe. I stared at the doe in wonderment for some reason I felt like this doe was familiar to me. I stared at the doe as it stared at me before it turned around and started to walk away.

 I stared at the doe as it stared at me before it turned around and started to walk away

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"No come back!" I said.

I watched as the doe disappeared into the tree before I decided to give chase and made my way into the forest after it. As I caught up with the doe it looked at me before vanishing.

"Lumos." I said cautiously in case I was going to be attacked.

I looked around to see the Doe had led me to the edge of a lake that was covered in ice. As I moved the wand over the top of it I caught sight of an icy reflection and then a gleam of red. As I looked closer I dropped to my knees to make sure I was seeing correctly and it was. It was the sword of Gryffindor at the bottom of the lake. I looked around the forest to make sure that no one was going to attack me before I pointed the wand at the lake.

"Accio sword."

But the sword stayed where it was. I guess I would have to swim down and get it. I pointed the wand once more at the lake.


The ice started to break as it now would allow me to swim down to get the sword. As I removed layers of my clothes I entered the cold water and started to swim towards the sword. I started to struggle as the locket was trying to drown me. I thought that was it when a pair of hands pulled me up and picked up the sword. As I coughed I looked to see who had saved me and it was the last person I expected.

Ronald Weasley.

"It was you!" I said.

"Yeah well a bit obvious I'd think."

Harry Potter x Male Reader insertWhere stories live. Discover now