Norbert the Dragon

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It had been one and a half months since Christmas now and we were still nowhere near finding out who Nicolas Flamel was, not only that but since seeing my parents in the mirror I had wanted to find out even more about them but to my dismay I could not find out much about them apart from what I had already been told even with my many hours in the library. Harry had been visiting the mirror a lot since and had been caught by Dumbledore one night and told the mirror was to be moved and for him to not go looking for it. Unfortunately, we had another problem end of year exams were approaching in less than 2 months. Hermione and I had spent as much time as we could studying and testing each other, while Harry and Ron just spent time playing with chocolate frog cards.

"Look at you two it's so pathetic, playing cards while we have exam round the corner!" Hermione scolded them.

"The only one studying out of the three of you is Y/N." Hermione exclaimed while pointing at me.

"I'm ready ask me any question." Ron said confidently.

"Alright Mr. Genius answer me this then." I said raising my head from my potions book.

"What are the three ingredients in a forgetfulness potion?"

"Uhm I forgot." Ron replied.

"You're an idiot Ron and don't even think you can copy, I overheard Flitwick say we would be given anti-cheating quills so no copying from me or Hermione." I said with a smirk on my face seeing his eyes widen.

"That's insulting it's like they don't trust us!" Ron exclaimed.

I was about to respond when Neville hopped into the Common Room as we looked there were a few Gryffindor laughing.

"Leg-Locker curse?" Ron said.

"Bet that was Malfoy." I whispered to Hermione who nodded in agreement.

"Hey Neville let me help I will perform the counter curse for you." I pointed my wand at his legs, and they sprang apart.

"Thanks Y/N." Neville said as Harry handed him a chocolate frog.

"Thanks Harry, Y/N you should keep the card and start a collection It is fun." Neville said as he handed me the card and walked off.

I watched Neville walk off towards the dorms. I looked down at the card to see Dumbledore on the front of it. I suddenly remembered why I had heard the name Nicolas Flamel before.

"Son of a B**ch!"

Harry looked at me as I walked over to them with a smile on my face. Hermione shoot me a look saying we would be having a talk about my outburst later.

"Harry, remember the first day on the train when you got your first card and read it out?" I asked all excited.

"Yeah?" Harry replied.

"Who was on the front of the card?" I asked him.

"Dumbledore why?" I handed him the card with a smile still on my face.

Harry looked down to see Dumbledore and turned it over and read.

"Dumbledore is particularly famous for the defeat of the dark wizard Grindelwald in 1945, for his discovery of the 12 uses of Dragon blood and his work on alchemy with his partner Nicholas Flamel!" Harry looked up to see us all smiling.

Hermione's POV

"Harry, Ron, Y/N follow me I know where to get the answer we need now." I stated with excitement as I made them follow me to the library.

Harry Potter x Male Reader insertWhere stories live. Discover now