Troll on Halloween

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I woke up to Bella nudging me awake wanting to be fed. I got up and looked back on what the last month had entailed. I had got closer to Hermione after her birthday we both spent time studying together in the library with both of us learning even more about each other. An example being learning that her parents were dentist. I had also been desperately trying to find anything about my parents, but I had not come across anything apart from what I had been told it was truly frustrating. I looked over at the calendar I had on my bedside table to see it was October the 31st. I had always enjoyed Halloween. It was a time of the year where all the kids got to go trick or treating and dress up scarily. I made my way downstairs to see Harry in the Common Room.

"Morning Harry." I said to him.

"Morning Y/N." he replied.

"I am about to make my way to the Quidditch pitch for practice with Wood want to tag along?" He asked.

"Could be interesting, I don't know much about Quidditch." I replied as we left the common room.

As we made our way down to the pitch, we saw Oliver Wood standing next to a trunk. He was a fifth year and captain of the Quidditch team.

"Morning Harry." Wood said to Harry with a smile.

"Morning Oliver."

"Who's that Harry? Is that a spy for Slytherin?" He said pointing at me.

"No that's Y/N L/N he is also in Gryffindor as well." Harry said trying to calm down Wood.

"L/N? as in Kadon L/N?" He asked with a smile.

"Kadon was my dad." I said with a weak smile.

"Well, we better get a move on before classes start for the day. I am just going to explain the basics today and then you can join training three times a week." Wood stated.

I walked away to the bleachers to give Harry and Oliver some space, Wood began to explain about the different positions in quidditch.

"There are 7 people on each team, two beaters the Weasley twins are ours, three chasers a keeper that's me and a seeker that's you." I heard Wood telling Harry.

He then showed Harry a large red ball and explained it was called a Quaffle and the objective was for the chaser's to put it through one of the three hoops at either end of the pitch. He then took out two bats from the case.

"Hey L/N come down here for a second!" he shouted up to me.

I made my way down and wood handed me and Harry a bat each.

"You're going to need these." He said as he let out another ball that shot out into the air.

"Careful now it's coming back." he said.

As the Ball fell towards Harry, he smacked it as hard has he could and sent it near one of the posts, it then came back towards us again this time for me. I raised the bat and hit it as hard as I could causing it to go through one of the goalposts.

"Not bad L/N you'd make a fair beater." He stated.

"Uh oh." said wood as he caught the ball and wrestled it back into the trunk.

"What was that?" Harry asked.

"Bludger nasty little bugger." he said slightly out of breath.

"But you, Harry I just want you to focus on this." He stated as he took a small gold ball and placed it into Harry's hand.

"This is the golden snitch. It is worth 150 points and the seeker who catches it ends the game." Wood said.

The golden ball then took flight while Harry's eyes followed it. As I left to get ready for charm's I wondered if I would be any good at quidditch, I mean my dad played so maybe that is something I could try out next year.

Harry Potter x Male Reader insertWhere stories live. Discover now