Department of Mysteries

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Harry's POV

After Y/N had discussed his plan with all of us we smiled we could not wait to give Umbridge hell. Fred and George had rushed off with grins on their face's to prepare the fireworks that they had. Y/N had also rushed off saying something about Newt leaving a surprise for Umbridge that he had to help with.

"Okay so Fred and George are going to distract Umbridge but we need to make sure that everyone stays away from her office." Hermione said.

"That's not a problem Delilah and I will keep an eye out." Ginny said.

"We'll probably managed five minutes or so at most." Hermione said.

"Fred and George said you have ten minutes to get to Umbridge's office best get moving." Ginny said.

As we headed to Umbridge's office we could see she was watching students toll over their work before there was an almighty bang, which garnered her attention. Filch came rushing past us as he burst into her classroom as the students left.

"Professor it's those damn Weasley twins." Filch said. "They have set something off in the astronomy tower."

Umbridge looked at him with a smile. "Ready to try out the old punishments again?"

Filch grew a sick smile on his face as she said this. "They've had this coming for a long time."

As they rushed passed us we smirked as we hid under the invisibility cloak. We entered her office and took a bit of floo powder from the side of her fireplace and threw it into the fireplace.

"Grimmauld Place!" I yelled as I stuck my head in the fireplace.

"Sirius?" I asked. "Are you here?"

I could hear shrieks and bangs from the other side of Hogwarts as I continued to try and see if I could find Sirius. I saw Kreacher walk into the kitchen and he noticed me.

"Kreacher where is Sirius?" I asked.

"Master has gone to the department of mysteries." Kreacher said with an evil smile. "Gone to try and stop the dark lord he has."

Before I could ask any more questions I felt myself being dragged out of the fireplace and thrown onto the floor with Umbridge looking at me with a sick smile on her face.

"Well Potter care to explain yourself, trying to contact Dumbledore where you?" She asked.

"No I wasn't." I replied as I was picked up roughly by Umbridge and thrown into her chair.

"Now Potter we can do this the easy way or the hard way." She said. "Go and get Professor Snape please Draco."

Malfoy rushed off as I saw Ron, Hermione, Delilah, Ginny, Neville and Luna being held captive by Umbridge's inquisitorial squad. A moment later Malfoy returned with Snape.

"You asked for me Headmistress?" Snape said while looking around the room.

"Yes Professor I need more veritaserum so that I can get truthful answers from Potter."

"Unfortunately Headmistress you have used up my entire supply and although I am eager to hear Potter spill his secrets I cannot help you."

"HE'S GOT PADFOOT IN THE PLACE WHERE IT'S HIDDEN!" I shouted at Snape who looked surprised for the briefest of seconds before his natural blank face returned.

"Padfoot what is this about Snape?" Umbridge asked hoping to get an answer.

"I have no idea." Snape said curtly before he left quickly.

Harry Potter x Male Reader insertWhere stories live. Discover now