Aftermath of the Battle

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Harry's POV

After the battle of Hogwarts, the place itself had a more relaxed atmosphere but there were still the matter of funerals to attend to due to the many deaths that had occurred during the war. Y/N had arranged with Kingsley for proper burials to take place and they included Gellert Grindelwald and Elyse Porter. We had buried Tonks and Remus near to Dumbledore but as for Percy he was buried at Shell Cottage at the Weasley's request. Percy had definitely not been the nicest person towards either Y/N or I after being in the prophet but he had tried to atone for his actions when he joined the fight to save Hogwarts. Most of the Weasley's were still mourning his death. I was consoling Ginny as Delilah did the same for Ron as she had chosen to attend to help console Ron. The Weasley twins could not even bring themselves to crack a joke as they saw Percy die in front of them. Hermione placed some flowers on his grave as Y/N looked at the grave. I knew he had come to pay his respects mainly because of the rest of the Weasley family. Mrs. Weasley was the hardest to console but Y/N was trying his best as was Rosie who wished to pay her respect because Y/N had chosen to do the same. Newt and Tina had also joined us as they had known the Weasley's a long time and wanted to pay their own respects.

"He can be rest now......" Mrs. Weasley said with a sniffle as she tried to hold back her tears.

"Mrs. Weasley if I may do something?" Y/N said as took out his wand and engraved the prefect and head boy badge into Percy's headstone.

"Thank you Y/N he would have liked that." Mrs. Weasley said with a sad smile.

Ron and I were going to work for the new ministry in the Auror department while Y/N, Hermione and Delilah were continuing at Hogwarts. McGonagall did say it would be a repeat year so they would be repeating their seventh year while Rosie would repeat her third. Rosie was excited that Y/N would finish his education at Hogwarts and it also meant that they could go to Hogsmeade together which Rosie had wanted to do. Hermione and Y/N were going to be Head boy and Girl as Delilah continued as a prefect. Amelia was happy that Delilah and Ron had become a couple but warned Ron that if he hurt her sister she would hunt him to the end of the earth. Ron looked terrified at that and we all had a good laugh about it. The D.A had been reformed as a club that would be run by Y/N, Hermione and Ginny with Neville and Luna offering support. McGonagall had made staffing changes and had asked if I would offer guest lectures from time to time which I happily agreed to. Since the current term was cancelled due to the reconstruction of the school we had spent time helping with clearing debris. Y/N felt especially bad when he had his duel with Dolohov and we could see why it looked like the corridor they had fought in had collapsed a thousand years ago. McGonagall had called me and Y/N to her office where we saw two new Portraits one for Dumbledore and one for Snape.

"Mr. Potter, Mr. L/N. Please come in take a seat." McGonagall said as she gestured to the sits in front of the desk. "I wanted to be the first to thank you both for saving the school and everyone beyond it Albus and I talked and he told me everything the two of you have been through."

"We were only doing what was necessary Professor." Y/N said.

"Mr. Potter it has been a pleasure to be your teacher over the last six years and I wish you all the best in your Career but please do not forget about the guest lectures."

"I won't Professor don't worry." I said with a smile as I stood up to leave with Y/N.

"Mr. L/N a moment please." McGonagall said as I left the office.


I watched Harry leave before turning back to look at McGonagall.

"Y/N you have done so much for this school Kadon and Maria would be so proud. I spent a lot of time with your mother before she left and the day she became pregnant she let me know. It was the day I promised to keep an eye on you for her. Maria was so kind I see that kindness in you and I hope you can encourage others to show the world the same it seems you have with Mr. Malfoy."

Harry Potter x Male Reader insertWhere stories live. Discover now