Boggarts, Buckbeak and Training

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The next morning the four of us made our way down to the Great Hall for breakfast. Upon entering we could see Malfoy smirking at us and then pretending to faint. We watched as the other Slytherins laugh at this.

"Potter L/N, the Dementors are coming." he said as he pretended to faint once more.

As the Slytherin table continued to laugh we sat next to Fred and George with a frown present on Harry's face.

"Don't worry about him Harry, he wasn't so tough when they entered our compartment last night was he Fred?"

"Nah the little weasel damn near pissed himself." Fred said with a chuckle.

"I wasn't too Happy myself nasty thing those are those dementors." George said.

"Sort of freeze your insides don't they?" Fred said.

"Pretty sure you two didn't pass out like Y/N or I though." Harry said glumly.

"Morning everyone." Ginny said as she took a seat opposite us.

"Why the long faces?" she asked.

"Just Malfoy being a git Ginny." Fred said to her.

"Is he still going on about that?" she asked.

"Yeah unfortunately Ginny." Hermione said.

"Dad had to go to Azkaban once remember he came back all weak and shaky said it was the worst place he had ever been. Most prisoners go mad in there." Fred said.

"Hey, don't forget though we have Slytherin in our first Quidditch match of the year you can both wipe the smile of his face then." George said.

"Hey, Ginny, I have a question for you." Hermione said to her.

"Okay?" Ginny said.

"I noticed a lot of guys staring at Y/N recently with anger on their faces word has not got out about him has it?" she asked with worry.

The Weasley were aware of my lineage well except Percy thanks to Ron not being able to keep himself quiet about the chamber last year, but they all promised not to say anything, and they did not treat me any differently which was nice.

Ginny looked at me and then at Hermione.

"No nothing like that it is something different." Ginny said.

"What is it then?" Hermione asked her.

"Um maybe not best to say anything while Y/N is around." Ginny said.

"Ginny what's that supposed to mean?" I asked.

"Nothing it's just er-" Ginny said.

"Hey new timetables." Fred said as he shoved mine into my hands prompting me to stop questioning Ginny.

I looked down at my timetable in order to memorise it before I heard my name being called I looked up to see Delilah.

"Hi Delilah, how are you and sister getting on?" I asked.

"Very well thank you again I just wanted to thank you for last year." she said with a smile.

"No problem." I said.

"It was nice seeing you again Y/N." She said as she walked away towards the Ravenclaw table.

I looked at Ron with a smirk on my face as did Harry we noticed his eyes followed her as she went to the Ravenclaw table with a blush on his face.

"I think Ron fancies her." I whispered to Harry and Hermione as they nodded at me in agreement.

After Breakfast, we left the great hall and into the hallway Hermione and I broke off from the group and used our time turners to go back in time by 5 minutes throughout the day in order to get to all our classes Divination, Muggle Studies, Ancient ruins and Arithmancy. As the day went on we used our Time turners to go forwards 5 minutes to appear in the Divination classroom without anyone noticing.

Harry Potter x Male Reader insertWhere stories live. Discover now