Surprise lessons

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Skylar's POV

It had been a few weeks since I had started at Hogwarts. I had thoroughly enjoyed my lessons up till now and Cecil and I had grown closer as friends. I awoke one morning by Sniffles rubbing his head against me as he did every morning.

"Good morning Sniffles." I said as he chirped.

I looked around the dorm to see the other girls asleep and I looked over to my bedside table to see a letter from mum and picked it up to read it once more.

'Dear Skylar,

Your father and I are so happy you are enjoying your time at Hogwarts. Professor McGonagall mentioned that you are excelling in all your classes and your father and I are so proud. Things have been pretty quiet, and we can't wait to see you soon. We love you sweetie and don't forget that we don't expect you to live up to others' expectations because you are our daughter. We miss you, all of us.

Love Mum, Dad, Bella, Diabolo and Crookshanks.'

A few tears dropped on the letter from my eyes before Sniffles climbed up my shoulder and rubbed his head against me as I smiled at him.

"You miss them as well don't you Sniffles?" I asked as he chirped.

Soon I got ready for the day and headed down to the hall for breakfast. I took a seat before Cecil took one opposite me.

"Morning Skylar." He said.

"Morning why is everyone chattering so loud?" I asked.

"Professor McGonagall has some announcement she wants to make." Cecil said. "Anyway, can I borrow your notes from Potions? I think I missed some that Professor Slughorn mentioned."

"Sure, no problem." I said with a smile as I helped myself to some breakfast.

There were a few extra chairs at the head table which I found odd. Why would there be extra chairs? Breakfast continued before Rosie sat down next to me with Cade.

"How's my niece today huh?" She asked helping herself to some toast.

I laughed as she said that.

"I'm okay but not sure why they have extra chairs at the head table do you have any idea?"

"Nope." Rosie said. "Babe pass me the jam will you?"

"Sure." Cade said handing her the jam.

"So, when is the first Quidditch game?" I asked.

"Next couple of weeks against Hufflepuff." Rosie said.

"Well I would like to see you play Rosie, and you as well Cade."

"Yeah hey maybe we can....." Cade began before we heard a clicking sound.

The hall fell silent as everyone looked to Professor McGonagall as she stood from her chair.

"Good morning everyone, now before you finish your breakfast and head to your classes for today there is an announcement I would like to make."

Mummers broke out across the hall before McGonagall raised her hand to silence the hall once more.

"Now the Ministry of Magic has decided to assist with teaching this year. They will be here to help with classes as well as helping those prepare for their O.W.L.s and N.E.W.T.s. Now as many of you know these individuals used to be students here and if you have any questions, please don't hesitate to approach them."

"I wonder who the ministry sent?" Cecil asked. "Do you think your parents knew anything about it?"

"I don't know maybe I am not sure." I answered.

Harry Potter x Male Reader insertWhere stories live. Discover now