The Hooded Nightmares

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The following day we all got ready to leave for Hogwarts. I had gotten up early to double check I had everything packed as I was triple checking I heard a knock on my door and opened it to see Hermione holding Crookshanks.

"Morning Y/N I didn't wake you did I?"

"No Hermione do you want to come in?" I asked as she nodded, and I let her in.

I watched as she placed Crookshanks down on the floor and saw Bella looking at her seemingly confused.

"I think Bella might be jealous Mione." I said to her.

"Why?" she asked.

"Because now she wont get all the attention all the time due to you having Crookshanks." I said.

We both watched as Crookshanks made his way over to Bella and tried to introduce himself she was a bit sceptical at first but then seemed to calm down and started playing with him. Hermione and I watched our cats for a moment with smiles on our faces before she brought me out of my thoughts.

"What are you most excited for this year in terms of lessons?" She asked me.

"Hmm Care of Magical Creatures is definitely up there but arithmancy sounds interesting as well I only took muggle studies to see it from a wizarding perspective that could be interesting." I said.

"Of course, you would be interested in Care of Magical Creatures you have a way with them but its nice to know we will have ever class together." Hermione said to me.

"Yeah we do should be an interesting year." I said.

"What are you looking forward to for the year Hermione?" I asked.

"Well, the new classes obviously but even more our date to Hogsmeade." Hermione said with a blush.

She looked at me to notice I had gone extremely red in the face.

"Um w-w-we don't have to call it a date." She said.

"No Mione it's fine I am happy to call it a date." I said.

Hermione and I just stood rooted to the spot staring at each other I read her mind and it was going a thousand miles an hour. I was about to ask her something when we heard a loud knocking on the door I opened it to find Ron who looked confused as to what Hermione was doing in my room.

"Dad said the Ministry cars will be here any minute, they are escorting us to kings cross."

"Thanks Ronald." Hermione said obviously upset that he had interrupted us.

"W-we should get going." Hermione said with a blush on her face.

I watched as she scooped up Crookshanks and left my room in a hurry. I recapped what had just happened and found that I had left a letter out it was from Hermione earlier in the year, I made my way over to my trunk to put it with the rest when I stopped. I looked at the handwriting and my eyes grew I quickly opened my trunk and found what I was looking for the card that I had received last year on valentine's day. I compared the writing and smiled so Hermione liked me the same way it was good to know. I got Bella into her cage and made my way downstairs to meet the others as I did I noticed that Mr Weasley had pulled Harry to the side and was talking to him very quietly about something. We all then loaded up the cars got in and proceeded to the station. When we arrived the ministry workers gave a nod to us as we all headed into the station to reach the platform. We boarded to the train looking for an empty compartment but could not find one eventually we found one with a single occupant.

"Come on everywhere else is full." Hermione said as the four of us entered the compartment.

As we took our seats we looked at the man to see he was fast asleep.

Harry Potter x Male Reader insertWhere stories live. Discover now