Invitation handouts and meeting Teddy

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It had been a few days since Hermione and I had returned to Grandma and Grandads after graduating from Hogwarts. We spent our time planning the wedding and making the invitation for them with Grandma helping to finalise the planning. Hermione and I had also been discussing about getting our own home as although I enjoyed being at Grandma and Grandad's, Hermione and I needed somewhere of our own. As the day went on Grandma and Grandad sat with us and talked about our wedding that we had now finalised a date for. We talked before an owl landed on the kitchen windowsill and hooted to get our attention.

"That's Kingsley's owl." Grandad said as he stood up to take the letter from it and began to read it.

We could see a big smile on his face as he showed it to Grandma who smiled and handed it to me.

I looked down to read the letter.

Mr. Y/N L/N

I Kingsley Shacklebolt would like to thank you for your efforts in the second wizarding war

And based on your achievements at Hogwarts as well as what you did during the war It is my honour and privilege to recommend you to work at the Auror office.

Although the war is over many threats still remain and we need people like you. I hope you accept this invitation.

Kingsley Shacklebolt.

"A recommendation from the minster for Magic they don't come around easy." Grandma said with a huge smile. "I am so proud of you."

"He's been trying to get me to work in auror office for the last year." I said with a laugh.

"Well we all know you want to be an auror love." Hermione said resting her head on my shoulder.

"That I do." I said.

I looked down at the letter once more before placing it to the side and standing up.

"I'll visit the ministry tomorrow and talk to Kingsley but I need to meet up with Harry soon as well to talk about Teddy with Andromida." I said with a sigh. "Really need to get a home of our own soon."

Hermione smiled up at me as I took her hand in mine.

"So what's your plan for today then?" Grandma asked.

"Giving out the invitations to the wedding." Hermione said as she placed them into her bag. "And here is yours obviously."

Grandma and Grandad took it with a smile as we headed out the door to hand out the invitations.

We walked along the beach hand in hand before apparating to Hermione's home and knocked on the door which was opened by Monica.

"Hello Sweetheart." Monica said as she hugged Hermione.

"Hi Mum."

"Hermione, Y/N." Wendell said with a smile as he hugged Hermione.

"Hi Dad."

"So how does it feel to graduate from Hogwarts?" Monica asked.

"I wont lie it is a bit weird knowing we wont be going back unless it's to see Rosie." I said. "And we are going back today I need to give an invitation to someone there."

"We are both looking forward to coming to your wedding you two." Wendell said.

"So are we, we are almost finished getting everything finalised Tina has been a big help on that front." Hermione said.

"Are you both staying here tonight or at Newt and Tina's?" Monica asked.

"It's up to you love." I said to her as she looked at me.

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