Attack of Nagini

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Hermione and I awoke from our sleep with a start at hearing someone screaming in agony. We looked at each other with bewilderment until I realised who was screaming.

"Crap Harry." I said as I rushed out of the dorm with Hermione right behind me.

We quickly entered the boys dorm to see Harry thrashing around with Ron and Neville looking very scared at what was happening.

"What's wrong with him?" Neville asked.

Harry's eyes suddenly shot open but what scared us all were that they were white. Pure white.

"Okay let me see if I can find out what's happening." I said as I used my leglimency to enter his mind.

I could see that we were in a corridor and there were shelves of crystal balls and a man at the end and then a hiss and I realised it was a snake and the snake had attacked the man in question. He had red hair and it was then that I realised who it was it was Mr. Weasley. As I excited Harry's mind I looked to see him still thrashing around as I panted heavily.

"Darling are you alright?" Hermione asked concerned.

"GET McGONAGALL NOW!" I shouted as Neville ran from the room to get her.

"What are we going to do?" Ron asked worryingly as Harry's thrashing had turned into something like a seizure and his screaming had become more inhuman.

"Harry!" Hermione yelled. "Harry!" Harry's eyes turned back to his normal green as he clutched his scar and rolled off his bed.

A moment later McGonagall entered with Neville and handed him her candle.

"Potter?" She asked as she took her hand and placed in on her forehead as she did Harry screamed in agony and then threw up as he did McGonagall drew her wand in case anything else happened. Suddenly Harry collapsed and the seizures seemed to have stopped. I waved my hand at the sick that Harry had made, and it disappeared.

"Potter?" McGonagall asked. "Wake up Potter, Please wake up."

Harry's eyes suddenly shot open and sat up in a panic. "Mr. Weasley's been attacked!" he said.

"You dreamt this Potter?" McGonagall asked concerned.

"No I saw it happen!" Harry shouted. "I...I was there."

"You're sure this happened Potter?"

"Yes! If we don't do something he will die."

"Potter are you absolutely....."

"Professor Harry is telling the truth I saw it as well. When I entered his mind to see if I could help him." I said.

"Were going to see the Headmaster." McGonagall said. "Weasley, Granger, L/N you best come to."


We arrived at Dumbledores office and saw that Newt and Tina were there as well. As we walked up to his desk Dumbledore looked up at McGonagall and seemed to ignore Harry.

"Minerva what can I do for you."

"Albus, Potter had some sort of nightmare." She replied.

"It wasn't a nightmare!" Harry yelled angrily. "I was asleep, and I thought I was dreaming but it wasn't a normal dream. It was real... it was Mr. Weasley he was attacked by a giant snake."

"Professor do you remember when I saw you a couple of weeks ago and discussed my theory I believe it to be happening." I said as everyone looked at me confusingly apart from Dumbledore, Newt and Tina.

Harry Potter x Male Reader insertWhere stories live. Discover now