Malfoy Manor and Y/N's Rage

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Harry's POV

I awoke in a place I did not recognise and a place full of Death Eaters and pictures of the Malfoys flooded the place. My eyes slowly adjusted to the light but everything was blurry and I could tell I did not have my glasses on. Hermione, Ron, and Delilah were awake as well while Nathan, Bellatrix and Lucius walked up to us and Bellatrix took out her wand and out it to my face. Scaboir lifted my hair to show my forehead as Bellatrix shone her wand over my skin to look for my scar. To my surprise she didn't find it.

"Where is it?" Bellatrix said. "The scar?! Get Draco."

The Malfoys looked at one another before Nathan shoved Draco in front of the four of us. Lucius bent down to his son's level and said to him.

"Look at him closely son. If we are the ones who hand Potter to the Dark Lord......Everything will be forgiven, it would all be as it was understood?"

Draco looked at me and the lumps on my face.

"What's wrong with his face?" Draco asked.

"Yes." Lucius said. "What is wrong with his face?"

"We captured them like that." Scaboir said. "Something when we captured them in the forest I reckon."

"No matter." Nathan sneered. "Send them all to the cellar. We will see what to do next."

"Hold the boys in the basement!" Bellatrix cackled. "I'd like a conversation with these two."

Bellatrix moved closer to Hermione and Delilah.

"Girl to girls...." Bellatrix said with an evil grin.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you if Y/N hears....." Ron started to say.

"Oh I hope he comes." Nathan snarled "I am going to torture him and everyone he loves for killing my brother."

"Maybe if your brother wasn't such an arsehole he wouldn't have!" Ron shouted as Nathan punched him in the stomach causing Ron to cough.

"TAKE THEM TO THE CELLAR!" Nathan shouted as Ron and I were taken to the cellar.

"We can't leave Delilah and Hermione up there! If Y/N does hear about this in anyway shape of form there will be hell to pay." Ron said.

"Ron? Harry?" A dream-like voice said as we both turned to see Luna, Ollivander, and a goblin standing there.

I let out a small smile at seeing Luna was okay.

The door burst open and Bellatrix walked in.

"The Sword is meant to be in my vault," Bellatrix said. "How did you get it? Did you and your friend STEAL IT FROM MY VAULT?!"

"We didn't take anything," Ron answered.

"I do not believe you," Bellatrix answered. "Maybe the scream of the mudbloods will make you answer, it may fill you with worry....."

"If I were you." I said. "I would be worried if you harm her."

"And why is that?" Bellatrix asked ignorantly

"Because if anything happens to Hermione." I said. "Y/N will become someone you do not want to mess with as if you do there will be no place on this planet that you will be able to hide from him ask Greyback or Nathan. What happened to them was tiny compared to what he can do."

Bellatrix sneered and left.

"We have to do something." Ron said. "I can't let Delilah be tortured there has to be something we can do."

"We have tried everything." Luna said. "It's enchanted. Your bleeding again Harry, it's a curious thing to keep on you."

I had pulled out the shard of a mirror that I thought had a reflection of someone else in and as I looked at it we heard a pair of screams.

Harry Potter x Male Reader insertWhere stories live. Discover now