Three Unforgivable Curses and Newcomers

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The next morning as the four of us sat down to eat breakfast, Professor McGonagall marched down the table handing out our new timetables. Next to us Fred, George and Lee Jordan were discussing plans to age themselves so they could enter the Tournament.

I would not be participating I can tell you that for sure.

"Todays not bad.....outside all morning." Ron said with his mouth stuffed as usual. "Herbology with the Hufflepuff's, Care of Magical Creatures.....bloody hell we are still with the Slytherins."

"Double Divination this afternoon." Harry groaned.

"Good luck Harry hopefully Trelawney does not come up with another prediction on how you die, I am so glad I gave that up." I said.

"Yes me as well." Hermione said.

All of a sudden, Hundreds of owls came in to drop of letters or parcels and I could not see Hedwig or the owl I used to send a note to Sirius. It had been a few weeks now and I was starting to worry.

Harry shrugged as we made our way to Herbology for our first lesson of the year.

Greenhouse three was pretty eventful, Professor Sprout had brought in more dangerous plants from the year previous. She had even brought in a plant that looked like a bunch of black slugs were sticking out of the soil.

"Bubotubers" she said. "They will need squeezing we need to collect the Pus. Please be careful and wear you Dragonhide gloves, it can do funny things to your skin if undiluted.

It was quite disgusting, but we did as she asked and towards the end of the lesson we had filled up the bottles she wanted.

"This will keep Madam Pomfrey happy." Professor Sprout said. "An excellent remedy for the most stubborn form of acne, Bubotuber pus. Should stop students resorting to desperate measures to rid themselves of pimples."

"Like Eloise Midgen." Seamus said. "Tried to curse hers off."

As the lesson ended we made our way to Care of Magical Creatures class. I wondered what Hagrid had in store for us this year as Fang came bounding towards us and jumped on Harry.

"Hello Fang." Harry said while laughing as Hagrid came and pulled Fang away from Harry.

"Sorry bout that Harry!" Hagrid said.

"It's fine Hagrid no problem." Harry replied.

We learned about Blast-Ended Skrewts which looked like deformed lobsters with legs sticking everywhere it was really interesting to learn they were bred from a manticore and a fire crab.


The next day we had our first class with Mad-Eye Moody.

"Alastor Moody!" He bellowed as he wrote his name on the blackboard.

"Ex-Auror, Ministry malcontent, and your new Defence against The Dark Arts teacher." He finished writing on the board." I'm here because Dumbledore asked me, end of story, goodbye, THE END!" He said as he looked at us. "Any Questions?"

"When it comes to the dark arts," He said. "I believe in a more practical approach. CONSTANT VIGILANCE!" As he shouted most of the class jumped. "But first which of you can tell me how many unforgivable curses there are?"

Hermione stammered as I watched Moody. "Three, sir."

"And they are so named?"

"Because they are unforgivable the use of one of them...."

Harry Potter x Male Reader insertWhere stories live. Discover now