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"I told him." I say as I walk into Senior band.

"What?! And you two are still together!" Squealed Luna.

"We aren't together...at least I don't think we are."

Are we together? I mean maybe it's possible. But it's definitely not official. He's not the type to be "official".
No dating, no title. Doesn't bother me though, we all have our reasons.

"Girl you guys are soooo together. You know each other for about a year now, you're both f*cking sexy, and you guys exchanged I-love-you's." said Luna.

"And he doesn't care about your age!" Yas added on.

They keep filling my mind with these silly ideas. But they were right about him liking me. And that he wouldn't care about my age. Maybe they're right about this too. Him and I might be in a relationship, but I don't even know if he wants that. Especially me living in a whole other country. I haven't been in a long distance thing but maybe Nathan is the first.

"Guys we can agree to disagree. Now shush I don't want another teacher callin me out." I say as I walk and sit behind the piano.

Luna and Yasmin walk over to their section of the band and Mr.Richards begins to conduct the class.

My mind is in the clouds. This music is driving me to sleep. I want to play something upbeat and interesting. Ever since I got to this school, it's been taking all the fun out of what once used to be my passion.

The school day ends and by the time I get home my mom tells me I got a phone call from one of the colleges I've been looking at. Probably major in English. I'd like to be a teacher someday, or even write my own book. Dreams are so beautiful aren't they.

Nathan and I text for the rest of the night and he stays up with me later than usual. The 5 hour time difference didn't mean anything before. But now every text, phone call, and conversation Is deeply appreciated. You just never know how much time you have left with a person. Anything can happen and tomorrow is never promised. Especially with him having to go back to school soon. These next few days will surly be consumed by him. And I love every second.

Hell, as soon as I wake up I always check my phone and when I see a message from him, my day has already brightened. The things he does to me makes me have great gratitude towards life. It's still surprising how the odds worked out.

We met on an online game and talked to each other out of all the other million people on there. Then I've grown an attachment to him, and I think he did for me as well. And he's freaking attractive. Beyond perfect. Although he has flaws, I don't see them as flaws. They're the little things that make up who he is. And I love him, flaws mistakes and all.

Around 9:30 I get out the shower and jump in bed, again leaving the right side empty. It's become sort of a habit of mine. Maybe someday it won't be empty anymore, and I'll have my love right beside me. This thought only leaves me to dream.

My Somewhat Forbidden LoveWhere stories live. Discover now