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Jessie drops me off at home around 3 and I walk in the house finding Donavin in the kitchen.

"Whoa Maddie jeez did you shop for the whole mall?"

"No I just got a few things that's all."

I set down all the bags on the counter and get some apple juice. As I look through the fridge Donavin searches through my bags.

"What's in here for me?" He laughs.

"Nothing. It's just girl stuff."

"Ew gross why do you have thongs!"

I snatch them out of his hands and put them back in the bag.

"That's why you don't have a girlfriend. You think thongs are bad you weirdo." I laugh.

"Hey it's only bad because you're my sister."

"Ya well I wear them. That's what you get for bein nosey."

He pinches my cheeks and I laugh as I grab my bags and head upstairs.

I only have a few more weeks before Nates birthday and I want it to be good for him. Especially since he's been stressing out about his finals. Maybe sending him something could make him smile, I'll think of something soon.

After doing my homework and texting Nate, I hear my mom calling me for dinner.

"Madison come down for dinner."

I'm not really hungry and I'm not in the mood for rice.

"No thanks mom I'm not hungry."

"Madison Rosario, come downstairs before I go get you."


I close my book and I walk downstairs.

"I'm here." I announce sarcastically.

"Good. Now take a seat."

As they're eating I pick at my food and think about randomness.

I sometimes think about how it would be when being around Nathan. Imagining what it would be like with us actually face to face.

I keep on picturing us sitting on the couch watching t.v and his head on my lap. Me twirling my fingers in his hair gently and him playing on his phone or something. Just a nice chill day with him. I can't wait for those days to come.


"Ya sorry."

I look over at my mom and see her looking at me with an upsetting stare.

"I asked you if you studied today, for your regents exam."

"Yes I did about an hour in the morning before I left and another 2 in the afternoon."

"That's only 3 hours. Tell me Madison, how many hours are in a day?"

Here we go.

"Twenty four, mother."

I look away from her and at my plate.

"So out of 24 hours, you only studied for three. That's not good enough."

Ooook I've had just about enough of her remarks.

"Oh, then please tell me what is. Especially already having to go to school from 8 in the morning until 4:10 in the afternoon. Mind you to come back home and do homework for about another two hours. Then studying for three hours. I barely have time for anything. But no mother, that's not good enough. So please tell me how I can satisfy your meaning of good enough."

"Madison, that's not fair. You can't complain-"

"I can't complain? I'm simply telling you how I feel but you never seem to take that into consideration. But that's okay mom, because you're doing what's best for me. So I'll obey your rules and study for another 3 hours on top of what I already do. Sound fair enough?"

My tone is calm and I look at her with somewhat innocent eyes. She loves to play games, and I've been playing hers long enough to understand all the rules.

"Madison, 3 hours is fine. Finish eating and go do your homework."

"I've already completed them in advance. I'll go study."

I ask to be excused and I take my plate to to the kitchen washing it.

I feel bad about giving out to her that way, but I just got fed up. At least I stopped myself from saying something I knew I'd regret.

I've just about had it and I really need an escape. I nearly text Jessie but I stop myself.

Not going to do this. I want to and maybe I'll like it, but that's just not me.

I go up to my room and lock the door. As I take out my biology textbook, I start to think about when Nathan was giving me a bio "lesson".

I really do have fun though with him. He makes everything a whole lot better. And he does it so effortlessly. Jessie had it mixed up. I'm the one that's lucky to have him.

And I don't intend to lose that.

But I am losing my mind with this mother of mine.

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