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Oh boy I can't wait to tell Yasmin and Luna all about this. They'll probably think I'm crazy but if they didn't already know that then they're the crazy ones!

Yasmin although doesn't really share my type in guys has an amazing sense of what to do in these situations. Luna and I connect on a deeper level of understanding.

I still haven't kiked Nathan, thinking it might be too soon and I don't want to come off as desperate. But I'm sure as hell dying to talk to him.

I got off the train and got my usual raspberry passion lemonade iced tea from Starbucks then ran to school. I had about half hour before the first bell rang and that was more than enough to tell the girls about what happened last night.

"Hey girly, you look like your glowing what's up sugar?" Says Luna with a smirk on her face. She clearly knows who's the reason behind my smile. I just blush and open my locker.

"Hey Maddie what's up Luna's right. Is it that guy again? What was it.. Uhh Nate?"

My smile grows bigger when I hear his name and they both nod to each other to agree it was surly him.

"Uh yeah, last night.. I um.. I told him." I closed my locker and turned to face two squealing girls jumping up and down.

"What did he say??!! Give me the details girl don't leave us dry!!"

"Yeah Maddie tell us! And by that smile I'm guessing you got the reaction you wanted." Yasmin winks and nudges my arm gently.

"I told him I liked him.. A lot. And he said he likes me the same way back. Then he had to log off but I got his kik.." I blushed harder at the remembrance of his words.

"Oh...my..God!!" They said in unison and hugged me tightly.

"Did you message him what did he say??" Asked Luna.

Her eyes were bright with excitement and joy. I could tell she was happy for me. Considering it took me a year to get this far with Nathan. And trust me, it wasn't easy getting his kik after this long then it won't be easy to break down any other of his guards. Seems as if every time I break one of them he's already building the next. I snap out of my thoughts when Yasmin tugs on my sweater.

"So did you??"

"Did I what?"

"Did you message him silly?"

"Oh um no.. Wouldn't it be too soon? Like I don't want to come off as-"

Yasmin reaches over and grabs my phone out of my purse and unlocks it. Damn it I should have changed the password ages ago.

"Hey give that back!!"

"Not until I send him the message you should have."

Yasmin smirks and starts texting. I look over at Luna for help and she seems to get the signal.

"Yas.. C'mon give Maddie her phone and let her do it. We shouldn't pressure her. This is a huge deal."

Yasmin sighs In acceptance and hands me my phone back.

"You better send it Maddie you gotta!"

"Fine fine I'll do it but he probably won't even reply."

I sent him a quick message telling him it was me. Hopefully I'll see a message by my lunch period. But for now the first bell rang and we were off to our first period.

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