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Well this chapter might not be suited to everyone's liking but if you don't like it then stop reading. And no, there's no sex in it lmao. Just a bit of an eye opener and probably the start to Madison's Confidence. Enjoy.. ~N

Once I get home, I hop in the shower. Before I do, I noticed how straight my hair always is. Never a change. The girls in my school usually have it this way. Then I examine my face. I notice that I got loads of makeup on and it wasn't pretty. Well it was, but not to me. I try and cover most of my flaws but that's nearly impossible for me.

I get in the shower hesitantly trying not to wet my hair. But then it hit me. Other girls always have their hairs straightened. Well most of them do. But I'm not like most girls. I shouldn't have to tame my curls just because I'll look different for doing so. And so what if I don't wear makeup. It's only hiding what's underneath. And I've been masking it for so long that I've almost forgot the little things that make up who I am.

I get under the shower head and wet my hair. As the steam rises I feel the makeup running down my face. I wash it up and rinse it, and do the same for my hair. I see the curls starting to form in an instant. And I notice the makeup had washed away.

As I get out and dry myself I look up into the mirror. My body's reflection standing before me. I take a step closer and observe myself head to toe.

My hair, wet glossy locks, flowing down reaching the end of my back. My waist, tight and curved. My hips wide, thighs thick, legs shaped. I look up at my chest and right above my right side I notice a tiny birthmark. I've never seen that one before. Almost like a dotted pen mark. Then I look up at my figure.

My eyes were bright and chocolate brown, eyelashes long and glossy. My cheeks rosy red from the heat. Lips, blush pink.

This is me. All of me. The natural me. Not one ounce of makeup. Not one piece of clothing to hide my insecurities. And I think... I like it.

I don't do this at all. I hardly ever admire myself, because I figure there's nothing in my reflection worth admiring. But today was different. I stood right before my own body and for once accepted what was there. Figure, curves and all.

I felt beautiful.

I smile as I get dressed and sit on my bed hugging my pillow tightly. Nathan and I text and he makes my day already 100 times better.

Maybe Mrs. M is right. I am happier now. He makes me feel this way. He's saved me from a dark past that once had been mine. And for that, he's giving me the life I've always dreamt of living. A life of pure happiness.

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