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The next morning I wake up and find Jessie's arms wrapped around my waist. I smile and lightly move over to get out of the bed without waking her. About half hour later I get out of the shower and get dressed.

"Hey Maddie." She yawns.

"Hey sleepy head, what are we doing today."

She gestures to give her some of my coffee and I do. As she sits up I sit beside her and pick up my hair.

"Well we are going over to your house and telling your mom about Ireland."

My eyes widen and I feel a fear take over me.

"Nah not yet, I'm not ready to."

"You only have a few days left. You might as well."

"But what if she says no."

"That's too bad because you're still going. You have the tickets and all."

"We'll see about it."

I pull the covers over my body and shut my eyes. I hear a laugh and she pulls them off of me.

"Let's go get ready."


I grab on the bed tightly.

"Let's go take a shower together how's that."

"Already took one." I laugh smirkingly.

"Too bad. I didn't get my turn so let's go."

She carries me off the bed putting me on her shoulder and I squeal in laughter.

"Not putting up a fight?" She asks.

"Not if its something I want." I smirk.

"Ohh very cheeky this morning aren't we."

"You can say so."

After our shower, we get dressed and head over to my house. As she's driving I'm thinking of all possible ways to distract my mind. Jessie catches the nervousness in my face and says something.

"So I think we should have our spa day tomorrow rather than Friday because when you leave it's going to hurt like a bitch. So it's best we do it ahead of time to give it time to heal."

"That's true ya alrigh so tomorrow afternoon sounds good?"

"Most definitely. Luna and Yasmin are coming right?"

"Yeah they wanted to try it out." I laugh.

"Girls day out it is."

We arrive to my house and Jessie goes around to open the car door for me.


As we walk in, I notice my mom isn't there and I thank god.

"Oh well, maybe next time."

I grab Jessie's hand to go but she stops in place and looks at me.

"We are going to wait, and you are going to tell her."

I look at her and sigh.

"I'm right here okay? It's going to be fine."

We sit in the living room and watch my favorite show, Guy Code. I sorta wonder if what they say is true. You know, like guys not liking certain things about girls, and what they like.

What they want to do and what they wouldn't want to. For example, going to the store to buy their girl friend tampons. I mean come on guys like it's not going to kill you. It's basically showing off that you do have a girlfriend who's a bitch at the moment.. but you love them anyway and that's why you're there buying these tampons for them.

That's girl code right there.

I hear keys at the front door and Jessie and I look at each other. Her eyes reassure me that everything will be okay and I breathe in deeply.

"Hey Madison, Jessie." my mom smiles.

As she's putting away the groceries I look over at Jess and I ease into the conversation.

"Ma, you know Nathan and I are serious.. right?"

She looks at me hesitantly but nods. Back then she wouldn't have even let me say a sentence involving him. So this is progress.

"Well, I would like to meet him. In real life."

She sets the coffee on the stove and turns to me.

"I'm listening."

Jess looks as me, signaling me to go on.

"School is over and I've got the money, as well as the tickets to go to Ireland."

Her face reddens with eyes full of shock and confusion.

"I know it's sudden but it's been nearly two whole years, and I need to meet him. I want to know if we are going to last or not. I need to see him face to face and I'm sorry but this is something I not only want, but need."

She looks down at the kitchen counter and taps her nails. She does that when she's pensive, as do I.

"Madison, when is the flight?"

"This Saturday." I admit.

She rubs her temples and sighs.

"There's no stopping you am I right?"

"I mean you can, but it will hurt. And I'm not being dramatic. I mean it when I say I need to do this."

She looks at me with worry full eyes and I can see the glistening from across the counter.

"I said I wasn't going to be like your grandmother. I used to do things behind her back to get what I wanted. I know what you're going though, and I would much rather you tell me these things and trust me, than having to hide around and possibly have worse happen to you. I support you mija, I love you and if this is going to help you and your future, go."

Jessie smiles and hugs me. I'm stiff as a rock because I still can't fully comprehend what just happened.

She said yes.

I'm finally seeing my love. No strings attached.

LATE UPDATE I'm sorry!! But I'm back guys!! Here's the beginning for Nathan and Madison. Who knows what will happen next?



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