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I finish the last set of Trig problems and get dressed quickly. I slip on my toms and rush downstairs.

"Madison where are you going?"

"Luna is picking me up. We are going to go out to eat then go to the movie theater."

Lies. I don't even know what we're gunna do.

"Okay be safe do you still have money?"

"Ya I'm good I got plenty."

"Alright have fun you know your curfew."

"Ma it's a Friday and it's spring break AND it's with Luna. C'mon cut me a break here, you know I won't do anything stupid."

"Fine just please be safe. And call me if anything got it?"

"Yes ma'am."

I grab my jacket and purse and hear Luna honking outside. I kiss my mothers cheek as I walk out and get into the car.

"Hey girl you ready?"

"Ya where are we goin?"

She smirks and doesn't answer.

"Luna Speak bitch where are we going?"

"Girl we are goin to have fun."

"Your definition of fun involves lots of things."

She pulls up at Yasmin's house and Yas gets In the back seat.

"Sup bitches!" She squeals.

"Okay now that we are all here let's decide what we're doing." Says Luna.

"Strip club!" Yells Yasmin.

"Jeez horny ass calm down." I say as I laugh.

"Yeah Yasmin we aren't even old enough."

"Oh please we could easily get away with looking like we are in our 20's." She says.

"Ya uh you've clearly gone mad." I say.

"Alright fine what do you suggest Luna?"

"Hm. How about we go to Ireland."

"Nahh that's not funny." I say as I pinch her arm.

"Ow damn okay calm your tits Maddie jeez."

"Guys I just got a text from Daquan, he wants me to go to his friends house. They're having a little party." Says Yasmin.

"Perfect!" Says Luna.

I don't mind Daquan he's actually nice. So maybe this party won't be too bad. I'm just happy I'm not in a dress.

After a few minutes we arrive to the house and pull up. As we walk inside I take a seat in the living room beside Luna and Yas and immediately a conversation is formed with a few other people.

Maybe about an hour or so later I head to the kitchen to get myself some water. When I turn around, I bump into a girl.

"Oopsie sorry." I say.

"No it's okay, that was my fault." she smiles.

She was around my height, long curly black hair and wide brown eyes. She had a piercing on her nose and an arm full of tattoos. Not going to lie, she was really cute.

"I'm Jessie." she holds out her hand and shakes mine.

"I'm Madison." I smile.

I notice her examining my face steady and smiling. I don't like it when I'm being stared at face to face but for some reason I didn't mind her.

We start talking and sit on the kitchen counter. I notice she doesn't drink and clearly if she got tattoos she's most likely above 18. She had a sweet presence to her yet it was mixed with a kind of flirtatious background.

I sorta liked it.

"I like your smile." she tells me as she looks at my eyes.

I stare down at my cup and say thank you.

A few minutes later we were deep into conversation about randomness and the room was full of laughter.

"Hey girls." says Luna as she walks into the kitchen smirking.

"Hey you." I say as I smile.

"I'll be right back. I'm going to the ladies room." says Jessie as she jumps off the counter and smiles at me.

As she leaves the room Luna jumps up and down.

"What's wrong with you?" I ask laughing.

"Girl! She so likes you!"

"What? No she's only a friend."

"Yeah to you but she is so into you! And she's super cute too!"

"Yeah she is, but I don't like girls that way. I've never even been with one."

I take a sip of my water and see Luna with a surprised look on her face.

"What?" I ask.

"Maddie I bet tonight, you and Jessie are going to make out."

"No way not happening."

"Yes way. Just wait and see."

Jessie walks back into the room and jumps back up on the counter and sits beside me.

"What'd I miss?" She asks.

"Nothing." says Luna as she smiles and walks out.

"She's weird." I say.

"Yeah but weird is good. Just like you."

She stares at me and pushes a strand of hair behind her ear.

"Thanks. Um this is random but are you..?"

"Am I bi?" She asks while chuckling.


"Why don't you find out for yourself?"

She places her hand on my cheek gently and pulls me in for a kiss.

Strangely enough, I think I might have liked it.

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